Example sentences of "be really happen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If cumulative selection is really to happen in the world , some entities have got to arise whose properties constitute those basic ingredients .
2 This is often exactly what the panic attack victim thinks and does when they have no idea what is really happening to them .
3 But look more closely at the statistics , look at what is really happening on the streets and in the shops , look at how people 's lives are changing , and it becomes clear that things are not nearly as bad as they are painted .
4 But what is really happening in the youth justice teams around the country , and is it right to condemn the Criminal Justice Act so soon ?
5 We went to Mozambique and asked Mozambican journalists to write and Mozambican artists and photographers to illustrate what is really happening in their war- and famine-torn country .
6 This is really happening in the rest of Europe .
7 The truth is that the Footsie is proving to be a misleading guide to what is really happening in the market .
8 We suggest your readership would be better served by some honest and balanced reporting of real issues instead of trying to conjure up imaginary conflict to act as a smokescreen for what is really happening in Wear Valley under the present Liberal administration .
9 We have written very carefully descriptive material of what is really happening in the experiment and then a very succinct set of instructions — do this , do that , turn the left hand knob .
10 ‘ But if you know that person , you can generally disentangle what 's really happening from the rest .
11 After we finished that poem , late in the evening of 2 November , we went walking through the streets of Salamanca for most of the night , for the poem had persuaded us that something remarkable was really happening to us , that some kind of poetic grace had been bestowed upon us .
12 Charlie was n't frightened of any Germans , but he still hoped that the war might come to an end quickly and that his father would return to Whitechapel and his routine of working at the docks during the day and drinking in the Black Bull at night But with no letters and only restricted news in the papers even Mr Salmon could n't tell him what was really happening at the front .
13 Yet we are still left with the impression that these two Greeks never quite understood what was really happening in the social organism which had become the guarantee of their own survival .
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