Example sentences of "be no need for " in BNC.

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1 They have been able to work in government service , even in the army , and there has been no need for work permits .
2 There had been no need for her to write that letter .
3 There would have been no need for the action we have taken had you been reasonable .
4 Had it been only the interests of traders that were being considered , there would have been no need for Britain to have responded to the competitive challenge of other European states by formalizing and expanding her own empire , with all that this entailed in provoking international tensions , arms expenditures , and general insecurity .
5 There 'd have been no need for Ephraim Cook then to manage the business when he was gone ; an upright , Nonconformist — Mr Cook — the kind who never allowed a drop of alcohol , or a smile , to pass his lips and whose well-trained conscience would never allow him to cheat Gemma nor to waste a penny of her money , no matter how hard Tristan tried .
6 In his childhood swimming at Cannes there had been no need for these ridiculous costumes .
7 If polar bears are dominant in the Arctic , then there would seem to have been no need for them to evolve a white-coloured form of camouflage .
8 ‘ If only I 'd known the truth about you , Shiona , there would have been no need for me to keep running away from my feelings for you .
9 There would have been no need for the clumsy intervention of verbal explanations .
10 That theirs would be the last , the true one , and after that there would be no need for more ?
11 A belief held by a number of software designers is that if the software is properly designed then there should be no need for an emulator ; it should work first time .
12 It works better in another piece , beginning : ‘ If every event which occurred could be given a name , there would be no need for stories . ’
13 By bidding for half rather than all of LIN there should be no need for McCaw to seek additional funding from BT since its cash resources and existing lines of credit should cover the cost .
14 ‘ If we had enough money there would be no need for elections , ’ said a political commentator .
15 As already noted , the attraction of monetarism for the new Conservative leadership by 1979 was that it promised a method of controlling inflation by means , as it were , of an automatic pilot ; there would be no need for government to compromise its authority with producer groups .
16 There should be no need for people in different roles to compete .
17 In an ideal world , there would be no need for either , but for now I would rather see the frustration expressed in these light-hearted terms than in the sort of man-hating bitterness that has given feminism such a bad name .
18 General Hassan al-Nakib , formerly deputy chief of staff in the Iraqi army , argued there would be no need for any war if Mr Hussein were removed from power .
19 There should be no need for that !
20 A spokeswoman for the Council of Mortgage Lenders said : ‘ Some lenders are imposing bans on all concrete buildings , but once the new test is operational there will be no need for such caution . ’
21 But under socialism all oppression would have been ended : there would then be no need for national independence .
22 If it is sited in a sheltered spot there may be no need for side cladding ; on a windy site the rain will blow in horizontally from the eaves , particularly when the barn is nearly empty .
23 There would be no need for her to go out to work .
24 This may be a simple oversight on the part of the authors of the pamphlet , or it may reflect the thought that since those who attend these colleges would have committed themselves to staying at them until they were 18 ( and such a commitment would be a condition of entry ) , there would be no need for them to take a ‘ school-leaving ’ examination at 16+ .
25 In an ideal world , If we all became truly aware of ourselves in relation to others , there would be no need for greed or violence — but we are still far from our ideal world .
26 In many cases there will be no need for an interview and the matter can be dealt with by return of post .
27 We had many reams of newsprint in stock so there would be no need for me , in that case , to call round to one of our local suppliers .
28 There will be no need for a further cut in UK interest rates , even if the Bundesbank decides to opt for cheaper money as its own recession deepens .
29 There 'd be no need for General Roquelaure to mention it to us in London . ’
30 The interpretation of wrestling that I treat here as ‘ accepted ’ is presented in Barthes 's own utterance as an absent speech with which he is dissenting — without its existence there would be no need for his interpretation because the meaning of ‘ wrestling ’ would not be an issue .
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