Example sentences of "be this sort [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I mean obviously this is nothing new , obviously there 's been this sort of thing for some time in the past , but I think what we 've got to ask ourselves is ‘ what sort of a society are we now reaping ? ’
2 Any way that you can think of that will help to get these axes right because most of the time it 's going to be this sort of thing I mean you said , Do you want me to work it you know use the graph or just work it out from this .
3 I had every right to be if there was going to be this sort of hostility between the two of them all the way down into the ice .
4 Neil , Neil now says , that when he meets a girl , he , he waits to see if she 's got any characteristics in common with the dreadful Vicky , the girl that he eventually fetch her much deserved slosh on the chops and was pulled into Ipswich Magistrates Court , you know , oh I should n't laugh , but erm , he says he looks for those characteristics , and the moment he sees that the girl is going to be this sort of neurotic , excitable , hysterical creature he walks away .
5 If there is one thing that Japanese managers respond to , it is this sort of pressure .
6 Is this sort of thing on the increase because the authorities are more aware of the need to control and manipulate the photographers , or to present them with carefully chosen opportunities and photographers are under increasing pressures ?
7 It is this sort of criminal behaviour which is commonly seen as characteristic of ( if not central to ) mass , urban society .
8 Surely it is this sort of ‘ disgrace ’ that the council should be paying attention to .
9 It is this sort of calculation which leads Curran et al .
10 It is this sort of person who is always allowed the best seat on coaches , is given cigarettes , whose suggestions concerning strategies in conflict situations are always most heeded , and who is generally held in the highest esteem .
11 And it is this sort of awareness , which involves deliberation and reflection on instances of puzzlement , that allows children to exert increasing control over their mental life , ultimately leading to independence of thought .
12 It is this sort of sequence of events that archaeologists attempt to unravel when trying to understand how sites and finds have become buried .
13 The er this is This sort of cell , you can call it a cell rather than a battery , makes electricity .
14 This blurring of class identities may have provoked Manet to have been impressed , not so much by Paris 's streets , but by the ‘ queerness ’ of the people who used them.go It is this sort of ‘ flattening ’ of identity in the creation of blasé urban character that occasioned Clark 's observation that ‘ the pleasures of seeing ’ in Haussmann 's Paris involved ‘ some sort of lack ’ , a certain ‘ brazenness ’ .
15 Is this sort of thing common in your world ? ’
16 Is this sort of out of the question , or
17 I think historically although you know historians can much better than me , erm historically maybe the way that the rock has been worked with a bagging system and it was you know and lots of quarry men had little bits of farm as well around Blaenau especially and you get a feeling er from reading about it that er you know they have a an almost self employed attitude to their to their work and their rock and the fact that er they 'd do it in their own you know wor work the rock in a certain way and this and very sort of proud erm of their work and that and From talking a lot to them and being close to you know it you feel that that that 's still very much the same really you know there is this sort of close relationship and that with their em employers there was you know a lot of you know was n't it was n't straight it as straight as you said a straight employer employee relationship that they was A lot of s sort of er give and take probably and I think they were outraged at this sort of McGregor type tactic really that you know this new machine .
18 Is this sort of you know yes no interlude here ?
19 Sir Ivan , is this is this sort of thing defensible ?
20 has drawn up for sign language is this sort of flow chart er , with dates and things working backwards from the event , saying you know we need this by two weeks beforehand we need it back
21 with a s as we were picking up from last week , a c a c in , in a sense that land reform is , is already taking place , there is this sort of groundswell from the masses that to move beyond the , the moderate policy and that is then formalized in the May the fourth directive which marks like the return to land reform going back to and then y y y y you 've got the implementation of that May the fourth directive and then out of a very difficult position in nineteen forty seven when they , they are under attack from the Kuomintang and i in the spring of nineteen forty seven is actually taken by Kuomintang .
22 ‘ This is this sort of material we are seeking to make the publication more readable , ’ added Mr Stewart , an air frame fitter at Alanbrooke Barracks , Topcliffe , who had six years ' service in the Royal Navy and is a TA member with 124 Recovery Co. at Newton Aycliffe .
23 It is this sort of intensive monitoring which we think and know acts as a guarantee to our customers , that we are doing all that is possible to avoid a further outbreak of this er parasite .
24 There 's this sort of metal gate over it — you know , made of wire .
25 It 's this sort of stress that can cause heart disease .
26 It 's this sort of efficiency that , translated into business terms , has made the NCDL such a successful charity .
27 When there 's er when there 's this sort of number what I like to do is make it very informal , more of a chat really than , than a talk .
28 It 's this sort of thing , I , well I 'm sure you said that .
29 Erm the Communist Party needed the approval of the majority of peasants erm before land reform could take place and there was there 's this sort of chicken and egg problem in that how that do you have land reform in order to mobilize peasant support or is it the peasant support that 's going to enable land reform t to take place successfully .
30 that , that do you it , it 's this sort of catch twenty two between erm land reform and mass mobilization .
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