Example sentences of "be a row of " in BNC.

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1 These turned out to be a row of haddocks .
2 At the base of these cliffs , almost as if they had been hewn in the rock by men , were three , four or five cave-mouths , chamber-like , as if they were a row of monastic cells in some monastery .
3 Laid out on a cloth on a stool were a row of bright instruments .
4 there 's a row of houses right on , by top
5 IN the office of Jacques Attalli , president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development , is a row of Russian matrioshka dolls , representing the great villains of the 20th century — Saddam Hussein , Adolf Hitler , Joseph Stalin , all the way down to a miniature Leonid Brezhnev .
6 In Lower Bond Street is a row of thatched framework-knitters ' cottages , of timber-framed construction with brick infilling .
7 There is a row of stout wooden rods supporting a handrail which runs along the edge of the gallery , allowing the adventurers to lean on it and look down into the Black Pit ( which they wo n't immediately be able to see , of course ) .
8 There is a row of pews on either side of the chapel to seat two in each pew .
9 In front of the building is a row of white-painted stones and some cactus-like sisal plants forming a circle around a patch of grass .
10 Beyond them is a row of pines , and then the backs of more houses .
11 The immense five-aisled nave is imposing with its 80 granite columns supporting the arches and cornice and , over this , is a row of circular medallions each with its painted portrait .
12 At one end is a row of tenements , in the middle are stone family houses and at the far end a council-run hostel for people with alcohol-related problems .
13 Unfortunately , there was a row of mirrors on the wall opposite me .
14 To one side was a row of lights which flickered on and off like something you 'd get
15 Along one side of the room was a row of doors where nurses and helpers appeared and disappeared like actors on a stage set .
16 Down the front of the jacket was a row of brass buttons similar to those on his precious army greatcoat , and on each breast was a pocket with two pleats and a pointed flap .
17 On the wall beside the door there was a row of three electric switches .
18 Here again , it was easy for the grandchildren to call in frequently : the two houses were both in the same ‘ raw — this ‘ raw ’ was a row of houses .
19 But accelerating towards us was a row of sharp , jutting , foamy peaks , like a set of upturned shark 's teeth wreathed in toothpaste .
20 There was a row of whitewashed thatched cottages on the right .
21 Whitechurch then saw ‘ one shop where a group of female polishers and varnishers were rubbing seat-arms and panels … the upholstery department … a room above , where was a row of sewing machines , worked by steam , and an army of fifty women and girls stitching busily at cushions , and cordings and hand-rests , and the like , while in another room were more of the gentle sex preparing strips of leather for window straps .
22 There was a row of three , and the middle one was empty and even quite clean .
23 Dorchester Terrace was a row of tall red houses with sloping slate roofs .
24 But if it were an ancient castle standing there against the skyline , if what we looked out at tomorrow morning was a row of turrets , we 'd probably be saying how magnificent it is . ’
25 Linsdall 's Hospital was a row of almshouses built in 1843 with money left by Pheobe Linsdall of Winestead .
26 There was a row of hooks for hanging up jackets and waterproofs and one of these hung there still , Hilbert 's old shooting-jacket , tweed , with leather pads on the elbows .
27 This was a anti-tank and it fired a bomb and of course we put a demonstration on firing this and then we was up the Bell Lane end and right at the top by Bailey 's farm there was a row of seats , benches , along the walk there and of course the demonstration was we 'd show them imagine those seats are tanks course we never thought in the world we should ever even get near one anyway we hit one and broke it Cos they , they , I mean they was only dummies , they were n't , I mean there was no explosive just the dummy shell you know and we , we was quite pleased with ourselves being as we 'd got an audience .
28 Against the right-hand wall , beneath the windows , was a row of old machines and , beside the door , a big enamel sink .
29 In front of us was a row of three men , sitting on mattresses , chained like us .
30 She whiled away time walking along the Mootwalk , an ancient wooden cloister that faced the Hilder and under which was a row of shops : an optician 's , a hairdresser 's , a wine shop , a jeans and sweater boutique , a newsagent , the pet shop .
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