Example sentences of "be the need for " in BNC.

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1 Various alternative uses have been suggested by the council in its attempts to justify the closure , but its main plank has been the need for housing .
2 At one of the effects of that delay I suspect has been the need for the supplementary estimate which is measured , er mentioned in part B.
3 ‘ The planks on which the code is based , ’ Sir Adrian Cadbury said , ‘ are the need for disclosure and for checks and balances .
4 Defending the report , Committee chairman Sir Adrian Cadbury argued : ‘ The planks on which the code is based are the need for disclosure and for checks and balances .
5 Favourite fairy tales are the need for spiritual growth , love at first sight , the pull of destiny or meetings in past lives , and we do not realize the primitive level of being in which the bond has its source .
6 High on their list are the need for a genuine and popular democracy ; the removal of the US bases ; an easing of the foreign debt burden ; genuine land reform ; environmental protection and industrialization that benefits Filipinos rather than foreign corporations .
7 The real problems are the need for assessment at all , and that doctors who undertake the responsibility may not be adequately trained ( or experienced ) for the task .
8 Answer guide : Needs identified in the text are the need for information to enable management to carry out its duties and responsibilities in terms of stewardship , planning , control and decision making .
9 One of the reasons for its greater size is similar to the justification of the computerization of the databases : the more information published in INFUSE , the less will be the need for subscribers to send in certain types of enquiries — they can be answered from the pages of INFUSE .
10 Another reason for renewed French interest in co-operation might be the need for reassurance , argues one non-French source in Paris .
11 There will also be the need for a user-specific lexicon with the facility to add and delete items , especially for proper nouns , individual abbreviations and misspellings , as well as words which may have been missed by the other dictionaries .
12 There will always be the need for some intercommunication and the appropriate interfaces should be provided .
13 With the establishment of Excavations Units , especially in the cities , the situation has changed drastically , for now that the specialists can operate as members of a team , there may not even be the need for those responsible for pottery to have to draw it all themselves .
14 Important , too , although not always easy to evaluate , is the evidence which we may call literary , not merely the chronicles , but rather the tracts , pamphlets , newsletters and even poetry through which people expressed their ideas and views , as well as their emotions , on contemporary issues and problems , which might be the need for government to be better managed , hope of peace , or the criteria according to which society 's military leaders should be chosen .
15 Balancing the dissemination of personnel skills and techniques will be the need for personnel professionals to develop a more detailed awareness of the needs , activities and challenges facing all parts of the organisation .
16 There would appear to be the need for a significant increase in the staffing of Branches and adequate training needs to be provided for new staff .
17 We express the hope that a climate conducive to a negotiated settlement can be created soon so that there may no longer be the need for the armed struggle . "
18 There 's only gon na be the need for one hea one one head office .
19 There will always be the need for and demand for independent specialist advocacy and advisory services .
20 So it may be the Regional Association or perhaps the local estuary er Sailing Association is first contacted and what will happen er when one is contacted is that you will come into contact with environmentalists and conservationists and not all environmentalists and conservationists are quite as af affable and conciliatory as I am , some can be quite confrontational and therefore there will be the need for a considerable amount of lip biting and self restraint .
21 Included were the need for leadership from a company like Compaq to galvanize the market , the distractions of Alpha , the paltry number of OEMs ARC has attracted , the MIPS-killer promise of the upcoming Intel 80586 and the restructuring of ACE to de-emphasise Intel , the natural volume frontrunner .
22 Among the points she made were the need for care of children , the importance of supporting the NCH , which was doing such a wonderful job for children in need ; and the necessity of seeking out the fathers who abandon their children and making them pay maintenance .
23 He said the drawbacks of such a system were the need for a safe storage depot for the wheelchairs , and the cost of installing drop kerbs all over the town centre .
24 Another example is the need for co-ordination between national aid agencies and national export credit agencies , where the latter may be seeking to guarantee finance for , say , a large steel mill which is clearly out of line with national development priorities agreed in different agencies between the donors and recipient governments .
25 What we 've got to get over now is the need for action straight away , not next year or the year after .
26 Another requirement of horses , which we often do n't consider , is the need for light .
27 Of particular importance to understanding Charles ' rule is the need for a clear picture of the geography and political divisions of the huge territories over which he ruled .
28 And secondly there is the need for the Club , like other employers , to operate within an ever-increasing straight-jacket of legislation and to a high criticality of skilled accounting .
29 Such homes are also essential support services for families in which the mentally handicapped child or adult remains at home , and where there is the need for short-term respite from the constant supervision of the mentally handicapped person .
30 A more general problem is the need for a close understanding with the pilot — although he can fly , Rossi relies on a pilot to control the plane whilst he takes the shots .
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