Example sentences of "[no cls] [conj] [pron] [adv] [vb base] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Er if you actually date it from yesterday ?
2 Er but I really like it
3 Well it , it shows come on I 'm gon na hit the brake , he 's got a chuffing accelerator pedal , a clutch and a bloody brake pedal there and he 's banging like this and it 's brake 's not working prop it 's , it 's funny , but there was a bloody tent there as well er where the Charlie Sheen is like an indian , and he 's in this tent and this bloke calls to thingybob and he presses this bloody doorbell on it on this tent , it 's funny , I tell you it is funny when you wa er when you actually watch it .
4 Well Erm I have n't got a a definite way a a sort of little trick for remembering that erm but the big thing to remember is s before you just put it in no matter how sure you are stop and think now am I differentiating or integrating ?
5 But for many people is n't it the case that the the church wedding is an an and the promises made the vows made before God and er before the the congregation , for many people they 're just a sort of rather erm oh dear how can I put it rather a flimsy frippery erm that they just feel it 's essential to have so that they can have the nice pictures and and look back on on a church wedding .
6 Erm so you just stick them together .
7 erm and I just find them easier to cope with .
8 Erm and you even get it associated with leading rulers or states er statesmen of the day .
9 Erm if you just liken it , I mean I was a beat officer here for eight years and the sorts of things that you 'd come on duty erm to see , are you may , you might get the nutty woman , who who er , you reoccur and you have to go and see her and you ge , erm , but all the shift members can then pass that to the beat officer .
10 Otherwise if erm if you desperately need us sort of thing if you ring the vicarage and then you can erm Alison or somebody will probably be in and come round for
11 Erm there are , however , and a number of other valid objections erm if I just mention them very briefly so as to save time .
12 and it 's become of the exchange of , of , of talk and of media erm but what else do we say about language register and vocabulary ?
13 And I 'm still under doc but I still hurt you know .
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