Example sentences of "[no cls] [verb] [conj] [pron] [be] not " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 They they 'll they 'll er consider that you 're not interested .
2 committee and that on behalf of West Sussex as a whole , we should grasp that responsibility , make it clear and I 'm not talking about the emergency arrangements which we 're coping with quite adequately it seems to me erm but I 'm talking about the coordination and overview of all the er contributing factors erm so that we can demonstrate that there is ultimately one body who can take er a view of these matters er ensure that there are not grey areas in future and to er initiate er action wherever it may be dealt with necessary .
3 Somebody 's actually got to do the appointing if you have the , the er er er i i independent members and I do n't think it 's u is unreasonable for my Right Honourable Friend to say that the Home Secretary should do that er provided that he is not seen to have been taking an overtly political view .
4 I do n't think that erm , whatever womans sexuality does n't erm mean that she 's not gon na be a good mother , she could be a good mother , she could , you know just depends on the person , on the woman .
5 Legal advice recommended that , as Mrs. X was unable to remember anything of the alleged incident and that , as it may not be possible to prove beyond reasonable doubt that , not only did she not consent , but also that XYZ knew that she was not consenting , the case should be dealt with summarily by the Commanding Officer . ’
6 The huge quantity of works which are the responsibility of the Soprintendenza means that it is not possible for all restoration campaigns to be carried out by in-house staff .
7 Questioned on attitudes to public transport , 82 per cent replied that it was not suitable and 48 per cent said they would use it more often if services were improved .
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