Example sentences of "[no cls] [noun] [coord] i [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm is before you to confirm on er Council and I 'd like to start by saying very briefly that there is as you know a government legal distinction between the er the operational side of waste disposal and the regulation side , and properly er issues on recycling have been referred er and decisions on that should be referred to the policy committee but er we work very closely with officer 's before you hear us er request it .
2 Angela and er Angela and I 'll tell you what she can come anytime she wants
3 I trust , I trust that if there 's going to be any question of names coming forward to be a approved locally , not selected , I hope not selected , that they will be er they 'll come from the local level at which the police authority actually functions and not from other counties without that particular area and so My Lords , I would suggest er that er the best step to go for is er Lord MacIntosh 's Amendment Number Five and his er supplements and I would suggest My Lords that Amendment Number Twenty is resisted by your Lordships because it talks about one half of the members shall be members of a relevant council and I suggest above all My Lords that Amendment Number Twenty Seven is cast into outer darkness .
4 than that dear it 's down the other end , the other side of Old Harlow , but he used to have a surgery there which he , you know , made it better after the erm , to ease up Dr surgery cos that was so packed and the shops were absolutely and you used to have to queue and queue for , to get your shopping , you could n't , I used to cycle into Harlow and leave my cycle somewhere and then go along do my shopping , but it used to be two or three hours ' job it was , you did n't get done till dinner time and then I used to call it a , a lady used to say call there that used to have the fried fish and chip shop on the corner of erm Harlow and I used to go there and have a cup of tea before I came home because I used to be so long shopping you could n't get served you see , it 's too many people , there was nowhere else for them to go , it was only Bishop 's Stortford you had to go
5 We have to look at the application er on its merits in the particular erm circumstances and I 'll tell you something which we will certainly have to do erm and I I will say , I will say this in sort of due respect erm , because we are grateful to them that we can see .
6 ‘ The difficulty is that this is an ex parte application and I can grant ex parte relief for prohibited steps and specific issues but can not ex parte make residence orders .
7 I need to know these things here just for erm wait and I 'll read it .
8 Q. I have a pair of Oscars housed in a 30 — gallon tank and I would like to know if conditions are right for spawning .
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