Example sentences of "[no cls] [pron] [modal v] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We told people that if they wanted R/3 they would have to come to Germany ’ .
2 There are two specific issues of interest er I would like to refer to , first is resola resolution one , six small one .
3 Er I would like to say at the outset that erm we we support the deposit version of the er the deposit version allocations of the alteration .
4 And er I 'll have to knock off a minute .
5 Erm er I 'll try to deal with the erm it 's it 's very very difficult to separate these topics out and and teach that one as a topic in , in a sense .
6 Erm , it 's very much shorter because as we were saying earlier on the the short take off and landing capability , erm with er I 'd prefer to talk about distances perhaps in the closed session but the er the simple answer is very much .
7 Er I 'd like to go for some little light relief at this time of the day , and look at sources of supply .
8 Now I know in the original draft nature conservation interest was mentioned and er I 'd like to hear from North Yorkshire why that factor is taken out of the policy .
9 You also said you played squash regularly erm there was a chap David you mentioned that er you play quite regularly er I 'd like to get in touch with him as well if I could .
10 But I think the twenty pounds extra for another telly is the one that er you might like to comment on this morning .
11 You know , they you the you might have to get in touch with .
12 er we 'd have to insist upon a extensive landscaping compensations , erm er to in order for it to be to go ahead , er so I think the increase we would be looking at environmentally sensitive site .
13 Er , the honourable gentleman wondered whether we would ever have a truncated view again , certainly not under the ninety three legislation because that was a once off as a careful reading of the act will show , er but er we will erm and his honourable friend , the member for Perry Barns hoped er that er we would have no more reviews of European boundaries , I know because he was talking at P R but we will certainly have one new review of er er Euro constituency boundaries because as soon as the parliamentary boundaries are completed er we will have to go into a new review on that basis of all the European seats and of course the full enquiries will be held in the normal way for them .
14 And sometimes I walked down lace market for me dinner and m And er we used to have to go on er on green , for three penn'orth a breast of mutton , to make stew and hap'orth of mixed potherbs , and do together and it were lovely .
15 the organ there was a you know where you put your pump belt , there was a long stout piece of wood and you had to keep pumping that up and down to put the wind into the organ , and there was a mirror above the organ and Mr the org the organist , who was a butcher in Street , he could look into that mirror and see whether you was pumping fast enough and he could signal to you and he used to warn you to er keep your eye on the mirror and if he , if he wanted more wind he used to be up up up oh or , but it was just a big long of wood and we used to pull it up and down , I was fairly tall for me height a age , but er we used to have to stand on a box to get it going first , but it , it was just like bellows for your fire you know , wind for that , and we used to pump the wind into the organ also the service .
16 The sound at the end of my er it would seem to have like a glide
17 and Wednesday , erm and to small degree today would pale into insignificance and really er er it might boggling to think about it , to try and erm er to draw some sense out of er demographic data for the post two thousand and six er er scenario , the uncertainty would be so great that erm that er we certainly would n't er er advice it .
18 That 's the one paper that is a bit er maybe a bit so but th I 'll have to check with the N R A because of course er , the river
19 So erm I might have to go to Peterborough yet on that day and get myself kitted out .
20 If people get the impression that the education system is in a thoroughly depressed state , erm I would want to argue against that in general , but I think it is true that the short-term cutbacks have made everybody erm thoroughly anxious and miserable , anxious about their jobs , miserable about not being able to produce resources for education .
21 erm I would have to say in the university 's defence , as you would imagine I would say
22 well I am convinced by Andrew 's explanation erm I would like to say in terms of when we look at the staff costs against budget , and we came in at only eleven thousand pounds less , er I think that is a erm that we , we , we can congratulate our business manager , on the good control that 's been exercised over the past year .
23 Erm I would like to apologize on behalf of myself and my proof reading team for the fact that two calls for nominations that erm that are in this newsletter do n't actually appear to have closing dates on them .
24 erm I 'll like to deal with this in a if possible in a number of separate motions so that we can deal with the various bits of work that need to be done , but I 'll call Mr first
25 Erm I 'll have to think about it actually .
26 Erm I 'd like to refer to my page three or er section four in my conclusions because I think if I if I heard Professor Lock correctly I think he and I are at one in in a suggestion which is is put to you in in if you like without prejudice to the generality of what I have been saying in support of the council 's policy .
27 Erm I 'd like to start by saying we are all links in a chain , we are all consumers .
28 Erm we 'll have to go through some extra things in relation to it , today so that you 'll be able
29 So we 'll have to write to erm we 'll have to write to the erm
30 Now erm we will have to look at the situation with regard to the er all the other ones and we 'll do an analysis , what are the volumes and so on and what other what other popular metric bearings
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