Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [that] you [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Frankfurt Dear Professor , I am sad that you do not believe me .
2 If you 're worried that you 've recently take a risk , go to the special STD clinic at your local hospital .
3 I am sure that you do not really wish to frighten me .
4 I 'm not sure whether I believe Rick Lawrence killed Angy or not but I am sure that you did n't , truly I am . ’
5 I am concerned that you did not mention occupational therapists in your project .
6 Apparently disregarding his offer , she wrote : ‘ We are concerned that you do not consider the above case to be serious enough to warrant a meeting . ’
7 I 'm sorry that you 've both been troubled , but obviously you 'll appreciate that we have to follow up any complaints of this nature . ’
8 ‘ I 'm sorry that you have n't spoken .
9 ‘ Well , I 'm sorry that you do n't like my clothes . ’
10 I 'm glad that you got here so quickly . "
11 I 'm sure that you do n't want — ’
12 That seems to me to be a consideration which may be able to address in general terms by yourselves , but depends very much on the individual proposals , and and erm is is a matter of detail of the individual proposals , I 'm sure that you do n't want presented here the the fine detail of of individual proposals
13 Well I 'll be quite honest with you , when I came in the other day you had a couple and I 'm amazed that you 've still got them .
14 I 'm amazed that you did n't bring me a bunch of fucking flowers . ’
15 No , we why do you think , what we er we er , if if you said if you were looking round a place an , and and a mother said , I 'm surprised that you have n't segregated the men from the women in the dorm .
16 ‘ I 'm surprised that you have never remarried .
17 Be careful that you do n't end up writing a novel or get bogged down in pseudo poetry with no end in view .
18 Be careful that you do not continue to reject fields at the same time as getting lower and lower until it is too late either to have any selection or to achieve a good approach .
19 Be sure that you spell out specific words and deeds : if a teenager complains about a younger sibling , ask him or her to take the child on an outing .
20 You are advised to keep your answer to question 5 as concise as possible ( no more than a few sentences ) ; be sure that you know exactly what you want to say before you pick up the phone .
21 And , ii seven o'clock comes and you are aware that you do not feel hungry — do n't eat .
22 If you are aware that you do not feel tired , try staying up a little later — it has to be better than lying there wondering why you ca n't get to sleep .
23 ‘ I am surprised that you do not have more enemies than friends here . ’
24 Even so I am surprised that you do n't have enough memory left to run your wordprocessor 's configuration program .
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