Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [prep] be [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 We wish to continue as a Direct Grant school in friendly co-operation with the local authorities , and we are prepared to be flexible in any new arrangements that we may be able to make together , but we feel that we must preserve the quality , traditions , and record of this School and keep faith with the benefactions of the past and present .
2 ‘ We 're supposed to be interested in his first marriage and that 's more than thirty years ago , is n't it ?
3 And you think that you 're lucky to be alive in that respect , but I 've never really thought that I was specially picked out for some reason to carry on living .
4 Therefore , at present , it is wise to design to work with systems which are likely to be available in schools in the near future , though options requiring extra facilities may sometimes be explored .
5 Suffice it to say that a company may use public relations activities , and what is called " corporate advertising " to try to build up an image in the minds of target individuals and groups who are likely to be influential in purchase decision-making .
6 Recognizing that plots of similar natural fertility , moisture , exposure , etc. , are likely to be adjacent in the field , we can adopt a system of local control in which the area is conceptually divided into three blocks each of four contiguous plots :
7 Generally , though , all these breakfasts are likely to be low in calories .
8 In the case of working-class families who have bought shares — and this group in no way overlaps with the underclass — such purchases are likely to be small in value .
9 Wider networks in schools are likely to be possible in the future .
10 These basic arms are likely to be involved in interactions with linker DNA .
11 But the company is probably right also to say that several drugs in combination are likely to be involved in more effective drug therapy .
12 determine which sub-systems , programs etc. are likely to be involved in any change
13 For any single client a variety of these actors are likely to be involved in their care and maintenance in the community ; hence concerns among policy makers about coordination between agencies in the actual provision of care .
14 Differences are also apparent in the types of help and support which carers give , suggesting that women care-givers are likely to be involved in more intensive and intimate activities .
15 Similar mechanisms are likely to be involved in all other multicellular plants in which hardening occurs .
16 The attitude of the county representative was positive , but financial constraints will mean that we are likely to be involved in negotiations for some time to come .
17 This page enables you to indicate which versions of which modules are likely to be involved in the problem or suggestion reported by the SPR .
18 This page enables you to indicate which versions of which modules are likely to be involved in the problem or suggestion responded to by the SSR .
19 Some fungi , bacteria and viruses are likely to be present in most ponds and aquaria , but that these do not cause problems until fish are injured or weakened in some way .
20 In a slimming-down operation , the job performance and skills of the members of the selection group are likely to be relevant in the redundancy selection process .
21 And the second issue revolves around whether or not er ca there are any employment issues resulting from the transfer of identifies that in , in Hertfordshire particularly with very little er voluntary commission will that be er the employments in fact are likely to be minimal in , in the .
22 These spatial notions are likely to be useful in many different problem domains .
23 These observations suggest that the peak β cell mass may be determined early in life , even during gestation , and the factors that influence it are likely to be important in the development of diabetes .
24 Such issues are likely to be important in any primary school , anywhere .
25 Although moods are likely to be important in driving , subjective risk as defined in the previous chapter appears to be more similar to concepts such as emotional stress or arousal as they are used in the memory literature .
26 These are likely to be hefty in the next few years as the European Community ( EC ) tightens the rules on drinking water and imposes new ones on sewage disposal .
27 The United Kingdom 's reserves are likely to be empty in forty years even at the current rate of consumption .
28 Like other groups , they are likely to be interested in expansion , and can be expected to take an interest whenever there is a possibility of another hotel coming onto the market .
29 Not to imitate it , of course , but to gauge whether any of them are likely to be interested in the kind of work you write .
30 Every time something newsworthy happens in your organisation you will need to consider which of these many outlets are likely to be interested in the information .
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