Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] up [prep] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 When the sane members of your family are tucked up in bed and arcade games are too much for your shattered nerves a game of Patience will help you relax .
2 They are catching up on Daedalus and he will have to go into strict training for a swifter sprint .
3 The bar chart , built up as you go , shows you how you are keeping up to programme and teaches you about the idiosyncrasies of bar charts !
4 Some of the most modern industrial companies in Latin America are family businesses , whose boards of directors are made up of relatives and close friends who can be trusted .
5 Our Home Care teams are made up of doctors and nurses backed by a network of trained and active volunteers .
6 The cell walls are made up of cellulose and pectin .
7 When attention moves from behaviour at the individual to the organisational level , it is argued that since organisations are not unitary actors , but are made up of individuals and groups with competing interests and objectives , companies can not be understood as pursuing a single goal , but rather a range of conflicting goals .
8 All organisations are made up of individuals and problems occur most frequently when the needs of the individual become lost in the needs and goals of the organisation .
9 Where households are made up of husbands and wives there is more emphasis ( compared with say Bethnal Green ) on sharing tasks and sharing friends .
10 We 're fed up with carpets and stain .
11 Answer guide : Answers should show an understanding that assets are used up over time and that this fact is not reflected merely by stating an asset at cost .
12 However , all Shetlanders seem to agree that classes are tied up with wealth and occupation ; and most Shetlanders agree that class is a concept which has greater salience in life outside Shetland and therefore among incomers .
13 Pale and drawn , his mouth was crease-downward in a Gallic facial representation of ‘ Say nothing , I have a headache and I 'm fed up with bacon and eggs . ’
14 ‘ Yow can turn yer tap off , I 'm going up to bed and you , Katie , better get off too , ’ he said , handing me a saucer with a stub of candle on it .
15 Like many experts in this line he finds his days are taken up by writing and talking about gardening , with precious little time left to get down to the gardening himself .
16 The study also reveals that heavy metals , in particular cadmium and zinc , present in the sludge , are taken up by plants and can be absorbed into the food chain far more easily than previously thought .
17 All these activities require a substantial bureaucracy to ensure that the licences and certificates are kept up to date and to enforce the regulations .
18 Once a company is appointed , make sure that they are kept up to date and are encouraged to remain alert to your requirements .
19 responsibility allocated to government minister to ensure that Standards and Codes of Practice are kept up to date and new ones issued as necessary .
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