Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] to be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bus companies are expected to be among those competing with ScotRail 's managers to bid for the franchise .
2 The aircrafts and space vehicles featured in the programme are expected to be in big demand along with the Captain Scarlet costume .
3 Similarly other features such as the Behaviour Modification System are considered to be of little value .
4 The companies act and the act on the stock exchange are considered to be of primary importance for the creation of a free market economy .
5 The rocks primarily consist of unfossiliferous conglomerates the age of which is not known with certainty , other than being post-Caledonian , but they are considered to be of probable Trias age .
6 But when discovered it was assigned by its excavators to the late-third or early-fourth century ( Britannia VIII ( 1977 ) , 413 ) : a dating subsequently accepted by Neal ( 1981 , no. 63 ) and Swain and Ling ( Britannia XII ( 1981 ) , 168 : where the wall paintings from the same room as the mosaic are considered to be of late-third/early-fourth century date ) .
7 Britain 's 1967 Abortion Act does not apply to Northern Ireland , where abortions are illegal except where the mother 's life is threatened or her physical and mental health are considered to be in grave danger .
8 Up to 400 Cuban military advisers are reported to be at fortified bases in northern Panama , where they have been training the the militia of the Dignity Battalions , the Washington Times said yesterday .
9 Many of the glittering pieces are reported to be worth more for their design than the gems they contain .
10 Even when a building is relatively plain inside , as time passes all historic finishes and fabric are seen to be of greater significance ; so it is desirable to preserve as much of the original interior as possible .
11 Allowing doctors to choose whether to spend time in teaching , or research , or management will work only if all of the options are seen to be of equal importance .
12 In this regard , the following requirements of the Short Courses are seen to be of positive value :
13 At Box all tesserae are said to be between 0.6 and 14.4 cm. sq .
14 All the men are said to be between 20 and 30 .
15 The pieces are considered some of Peru 's finest archaeological treasures and are said to be of incalculable value .
16 At Augusta , more than at almost any other golf course , disaster stalks the champions , particularly on the greens — which are said to be in fine , fiery form this year .
17 The two other survivors of the tragedy who remain in hospital , Samantha Stansby , 17 , and Emma Hartley , 16 , are said to be in satisfactory condition .
18 The end stage of the pathway is represented by CD4 + CD8 - TCR high+ or CD4 - CD8 + TCR high+ cells ( both are said to be in single positive , or SP , stages ) , which are mostly immediate precursors of major histocompatibility complex ( MHC ) class II-restricted helper T cells and MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic T cells , respectively .
19 ‘ If you 're going to be of any use to me at all , the work has to start now . ’
20 ‘ I suppose , McAllister , if you 're going to be of any real use to me — ’ He was interrupted by Rose bursting in , a Greek chorus of depressed-looking women following her .
21 Well we 'll see if there , if there well the jury can have a look at them if they want , certainly if er if neither side think they 're going to be of any assistance then there 's not much point in producing them .
22 If you know that employers are using immigrants as cheap labour , and that they 're being used to undercut your rates of pay , you 're going to be against that .
23 ‘ Well , if you 're going to be like that … ’
24 ROS : I 'm not going to play if you 're going to be like that .
25 ‘ If you 're going to be like that , I 'm going home , ’ said Sam , but Camille had recovered her spirits .
26 So said if you 're going to be like that be like that .
27 What will be on their mind is first of all the Prison Authorities are going to isolate them , they 're going to be in solitary confinement for a very long time — six months , maybe a year , that 's been the pattern — they 're going to lose a lot of remission , but they also know they 're going to face criminal charges .
28 If you 're getting married this July , you 're going to be in adventurous mode when it comes to the honeymoon !
29 Because if you stop agricultural production , you 're going to be in big trouble .
30 they 're suppose to be like that , that 's my best bit that I 'm doing well
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