Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [adv] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Reputations for beauty , grace , wit , intelligence or for strength , humour , kindness , honesty are made early or never made at all .
2 In practice most trade bills are discounted once and then held to maturity .
3 An epidemic of infertility caused by widespread toxic contamination means that known ‘ breeders ’ are herded together and eventually selected for insemination by the powerful .
4 Even in Oxford , one of the region 's most cycle friendly cities , cyclists are getting more and more frustrated with the dangers posed by traffic and pollution .
5 The herbs are ground together and either rolled into pellets for pondfish or made into a kind of tea which is added to the aquarium water .
6 The term representation is used here as it suggests that ideas are constructed rather than simply reflected upon or passively received .
7 So far , we have seen the argument that is put forward by those who stress that official statistics are constructed rather than merely collected .
8 The Law Society also issued a set of written professional standards concerning communications with clients , with the broad aim ( now enshrined in Solicitors ' Practice Rule 15 ) of ensuring that clients are kept regularly and fully informed in layman 's terms as to the course and conduct of their affairs ; as to the identity of the solicitor or other person in the firm having day to day conduct of the matter ; as to the nature of the legal issues raised in the case ; as to the progress being made ; as to the cost ( including the availability of legal aid ) ; and as to the prospects of success .
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