Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [pron] [am/are] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Research about vivid and flashbulb memories suggests that in exceptional circumstances , for example serious car accidents , memories of events are formed which are exceptional in their longevity .
2 As the lorries are unloaded I am aware of a disturbance .
3 Well er erm once they 're opened they 're alright for about an hour .
4 It has always been there — from the suffragettes to the Women 's Institute — but many of the older forms have become outmoded and new ones are needed which are relevant to the modern age .
5 The manufacturer , marketer and retailer will need to design , promote and retail products in such a way that images are produced which are consistent with those sought by prospective customers .
6 There should be better laws requiring that housing conditions are provided which are sufficient for animals ' needs .
7 I 'm told I 'm good at English but I do n't get very high marks . ’
8 However , each module places different demands on the student and those responsible for programme design and guiding students in the selection of modules should bear these demands in mind , so that modules are taken which are appropriate to interest , experience and previous attainment .
9 When stocks are held which are unlikely to be sold within the turnover period normal to a company , the impending delay in realisation increases the risk that deterioration or obsolescence will occur before the stocks are sold .
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