Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [prep] be too [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was then necessary to determine the ’ neighbourhood size ’ around each word , i.e. the limit beyond which words are deemed to be too far apart to be considered as neighbours .
2 The ‘ taste and decency ’ clauses of the BBC and ITA charters are considered to be too weak by the moral tendency of the Conservative Party .
3 Different attitudes confront older people ; they are seen to be too slow , too set in their work practices , or possessing skills which have become or will become redundant .
4 Yeah , but the thing is right they 're sevens and they 're gon na be too small for them by the time holiday gets round say September
5 I read the two that survived , they have n't told them yet that the rest of their friends are dead because they they 're gon na be too traumatised
6 Many Rottweilers are thought to be too soft when young and encouraged forward , forward , forward , in their defensive instinct .
7 Private-sector firms are bound to be too expensive , say others .
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