Example sentences of "the [det] position [conj] " in BNC.

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1 To take the particular case of relevance to this book , adjectives in English are , broadly , those words which can instantiate the P in both patterns of : Verbs can instantiate the latter position but not the former ; the lexical meaning expressed by a given verb must , exactly , undergo a change of syntactic class in order to do this , this usually being marked by an overt morphological change .
2 In fact , their necks are so mobile that they can keep their heads in the same position while a branch sways in the breeze underneath them .
3 This contrast is used to explain why the Japanese are said to feel less class conscious than Westerners because vertical loyalties within companies , say , are more important than horizontal relations with other people who occupy the same position but who work for different companies .
4 And er in some way or other you know , not always in the same position but I 'd always er had something to do with it .
5 Outside the meeting can I just say I 'm getting some of the new screening sheets through , you know first , but people do n't seem to know what they 're supposed to do with them and their in exactly the same position that they were before .
6 That 's why you can have two people who are going to occupy the same position and you 'll treat them quite differently , because of the different characters .
7 There is literally no social arena — from the strongest material relationship to the most subtle moral one — in which the possessing classes and a self-conscious proletariat could take one and the same position and figure as an undifferentiated whole .
8 Remain in the same position and , keeping the top leg straight , flex the foot .
9 ‘ If someone comes out with a car that looks like ours , that has the same windscreen , a roll bar in the same position and so on , that did not happen by accident .
10 ‘ We play in the same position and I thought I 'd proved myself last season .
11 It is important to return the rocks in the same position and up the same way as they were found , as some of the animals will perish if the rock is replaced incorrectly .
12 Pauli 's exclusion principle says that two similar particles can not exist in the same state , that is , they can not have both the same position and the same velocity , within the limits given by the uncertainty principle .
13 That monolith to Lasso Rinding Puang Sangalla , the last great king of the Star Children , was still lying in the same position when I next visited the Rante — eleven years later .
14 ‘ Stress related injuries caused by the nature of the league programme are a new phenomenon and who is to say that all of those who have had to call off from this match will not still be in the same position when we go to play Portugal in our next World Cup qualifying tie ? ’ said Roxburgh .
15 To every breathed consonant ( other than the glottal stop ) there is a corresponding voiced consonant , ie one produced with the same position or movement of the articulating organs , but with voice substituted for breath or vice versa .
16 The colour you are assigned arises from your position in the draw , but this may change from round to round , so do n't go to the same position as you went to previously .
17 Now he finds himself in the same position as his predecessor — a relative conservative whose time is past .
18 The Foreign Secretary , Mr Douglas Hurd , has adopted the same position as his predecessors , Sir Geoffrey Howe and Mr John Major , insisting that the deportations are an essential deterrent against a fresh influx of Vietnamese next year .
19 By part I of the Law Reform ( Married Women and Tortfeasors ) Act 1935 , a married woman was put into the same position as a man with respect to her proprietary and contractual capacity , and , except in relation to her husband , with respect to her liability for torts .
20 Mr Macmillan echoed the same thinking about the H-bomb : ‘ When the tests are completed we shall be in the same position as the United States or Soviet Russia …
21 Assuming Gorbachev can continue with his reforms the KGB will be in the same position as would MI5 were a Labour anti-nuclear government suddenly returned to power .
22 In many ways , he is in the same position as a husband who finds that his wife is infertile .
23 Why not try and turn your thoughts outwards and see if there is someone else in the same position as yourself — what can you do to help that person feel more comfortable ?
24 If you can not leave your children with anyone , find someone else in the same position as yourself and take the babies with you .
25 Positive regulations requiring the developer to install equipment to prevent , and or abate odour pollution would probably be unenforceable as s.52(2) , which overcomes the limitations of privity of contract , does so by the fiction of placing the local authority in the same position as a landowner entitled to enforce a convenant against an adjoining landowner .
26 In making such judgments one is in much the same position as a journalist describing a battle after it had taken place from the bar of a hotel , for the pressures in the 'sixties were very great and very immediate and those of us in the Ministries of Education responded to them as best we knew how .
27 The contractor chooses one of the three who immediately becomes his responsibility and is in the same position as a domestic subcontractor .
28 If , at first , she is able to continue with her career , she is in some respects in the same position as the working wife and mother , who has the strain of two heavy areas of responsibility : her home and her job , but with several important differences .
29 Industrial members , who constitute over half the Institute 's membership , are effectively in the same position as the public as far as the Caparo decision is concerned , since they are involved with other companies ' audited accounts in their capacity of investor or creditor , but their voice is rarely heard and , even then , is ignored .
30 Working on the same principle as a jigsaw , but with the reciprocating blade in line with the saw body , it 's used in the same position as a hand saw , but held with both hands .
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