Example sentences of "the [noun sg] less [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All of this it seemed might make the Prince less unacceptable to France and so would give the candidacy an air of reasonableness to the rest of Europe .
2 They say it makes the experience less painful for them and less traumatic for the baby .
3 We are committed to developing a sound financial base , one that makes the University less vulnerable to unexpected changes in public policy and one that provides the necessary foundation for capital growth .
4 The competition for Western financial aid to Eastern Europe had also increased , making Yugoslavia 's situation as a state favoured by the West less relevant .
5 If this does not help , the doctor may be able to give an injection to dry up secretions and make the noise less upsetting .
6 All of which might make the future less bright for Sequent Computer Systems Inc , which currently provides the top-end 6000/75 and 85 multiprocessors for Unisys .
7 If he thinks recovery for emotional injury is unjust , he will have made the future less unjust in the only way that counts for him : fewer people will suffer the injustice of being made to compensate for this sort of injury , which is better than more people suffering that injustice .
8 Now that was true until the late sixties early seventies and of course er you find there the election to the o to the White House of one Richard Milhous Nixon , conservative Republican er a man who was not above hiring gangsters and burglars to do his work for him , and this produced a reaction and if you read the , the presidential literature of the nineteen seventies you will find the opposite , you will find er political scientists , all American , er demanding reforms of the American system , not to make the president more powerful but to make the president less powerful .
9 The one exception , says Professor Garrow , is if you lose weight quickly on a crash diet , because you will lose more lean tissue than with gradual weight loss , and that does make the metabolism less efficient .
10 Because I am a Christian , I have found the break less frightening , since I believe that my parents are now in the presence of the same God who is with me .
11 Instead , say Deschamp and Cooke , they probably make the cell less yielding , so that even high turgor can not elongate the cell into the feathery form .
12 Punch regularly indicated the ‘ mildness of magistrates ’ and the ‘ luxurious ’ convenience of a ‘ snug cell in prison ’ which ‘ unless the Government interfere to make the living less luxurious … will be popularly looked upon as one of the most comfortable ways of spending life ’ .
13 Benedict , a Californian now based in Hertford , has given the 405 low-volume side-tanks to make the boat less likely to invert and easier to right .
14 To make the spur less conspicuous , it can be stained brown with a special concrete stain .
15 There was also sadly a degree of controversy with regard to some records , making the work less valuable than it might otherwise have been .
16 The new marriage laws ( especially those after 1836 , which granted the right to marry to nonconformist chapels as well as civil registrars ) had the effect of making the betrothal less binding and of sharply differentiating the married from the unmarried , hence making the difference between licit and illicit sex more important .
17 It 's a good idea to clear leaves and sticks from your path during the day to make your passage to and from the sett less obtrusive .
18 Although this has generally happened in the energy-importing less developed countries ( LDCs ) , in many of the energy-exporting LDCs it has not .
19 To delay the introduction of such information may make the vendor less credible to a buyer .
20 But the level was lower and the rush of the flood less severe than in more restricted surroundings , so that that insurmountable dread of drowning gradually subsided .
21 BRITISH turkey producers are intent on breaking out of their Christmas and Easter straitjacket and aim to spend about £250,000 this year to make the product less boring .
22 ‘ It makes the cake less liable to crumble . ’
23 Colours are plain and strong which , despite the underlying sketchiness , makes the picture less ephemeral than it seems in black and white and so further removed from the heavenly evocation of ‘ The Zone of Love ’ .
24 ‘ The neural net records all details of a scene — body posture , words , tone of voice , movement — and when the scene is replayed it enhances certain features to make the record less ambiguous . ’
25 If the clause is ambiguous , the court will adopt the meaning less favourable to the seller and any ground of liability not clearly excluded will remain .
26 The trees were in fresh bud , the air crisp but brighter , now , the water less fierce .
27 Less expensive boots are made from split leather or suede , and some have a polyurethane coating to make them waterproof but this does make the boot less breathable .
28 It has a K-type spectrum , but I always find the colour less pronounced than with most bright K-stars , though binoculars show it to be decidedly ‘ off-white ’ .
29 Systems coping with cursive script are fewer and on the whole less accurate than their unconnected character counterparts because recognition of cursive script is much more difficult .
30 As we shall see in chapters 6 and 7 , they present problems also ; but these problems tend to be more generally acknowledged , and to be on the whole less intractable than the ones we are discussing here .
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