Example sentences of "the [noun pl] behind [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 After a while , though , I began to feel sure that I 'd spotted a Gharrgoyle — or maybe a different one at different times — wriggling through the crowds behind me .
2 ‘ The men on the right wing and the men on the left have lost half the ranks behind them , although they 're spread out and from the front it looks just the same .
3 The rasp and snap of the engine bounced against the walls of the houses behind him , tumbled over the rocks and dust beyond .
4 By the decade 's end , such expectations were exposed as pipedreams , and the strategies behind them had collapsed in ruins .
5 The course has a strong grammar base with questions , explanations , and practice designed to encourage students to think about the structures they are studying and the rules behind them .
6 Both volumes adopt the lowlands study formula and examine the changes and the reasons behind them in 12 ‘ type areas ’ ranging from northeast to southwest England as shown in Table 8.5 .
7 Because much of the product is already familiar to readers this review will concentrate , so far as is possible , on the upgrades and the reasons behind them rather than the existing features .
8 I mean some people say it diffidence some people say it 's considerate so you have to then try and go a bit further beyond the actual differences to find out what the reasons behind them are .
9 I know some people might think the decision I made was unpleasant and monstrous but I want to tell how I came to make the decision and the reasons behind it .
10 The reasons behind it , however , and the related issue of where responsibility lies , have still not been entirely explained .
11 The reasons behind it , however , and the related issue of where responsibility lies , have still not been entirely explained .
12 Yes I think , I think the absence of the full stop is done on purpose but I think the kind of things you were suggesting , the reasons behind it .
13 Both GEC-Ferranti and GEC-Marconi refused to say anything about either Mr Dunn 's departure or the reasons behind it .
14 One of the cops behind me on the stairs put an armlock on me .
15 Suddenly there was a shout from one of the Tans behind him .
16 Tabitha heard his bootheels tap up the steps behind her .
17 Coupled with a wave of popular sympathy for Gaddafi as a bereaved father , resentment at what was seen as Washington 's bully-boy tactics appeared to have rallied the Libyans behind him with a solidarity he had rarely enjoyed before .
18 Although the sun glinted off its scales , Rincewind could clearly make out the outlines of the branches behind it .
19 cos you think well if I ca n't see any of the cars behind it then they ca n't see me either .
20 But when you come to turn into his drive there 's the ca , you know the cars behind you doing sixty odd !
21 Li Yuan stood at the rail , looking out across the darkness of the lake , his sense of ease , of inner stillness , lulling him so that for a time he seemed aware only of the dull murmur of the voices behind him and the soft lapping of the water against the wooden posts of the jetty .
22 It is dusk by the time the wild elephants reach the funnel and now the noise of the beaters behind them is so loud that they simply keep going — into the khedda .
23 Then she heard someone come through the bushes behind her — " Oh damn ! " she though : her friends had found her .
24 Then he heard the rustling in the bushes behind him .
25 Léonie left the Jews behind her in the room .
26 He reached down , found his field bag — and saw the feet behind him .
27 The headlights behind him were blurred , the gap between pursued and pursuers had widened , but they were there .
28 While a good many artists and dealers have clearly been upset by Saatchi 's actions , no one feels absolutely confident about the motives behind them , and Saatchi himself absolutely declines to discuss his dealings , whether in art or business .
29 The exact mechanism of Hastings ' fall is , however , less important than the motives behind it .
30 Much foreign press comment , most of which was highly sceptical both of the referendum results and of the motives behind it , focussed on the issue of Western Sahara , suggesting that the inclusion of the territory 's people in the voting , and their apparently ready participation , could be shown as a further proof of their supposed attachment to Morocco .
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