Example sentences of "the [noun] points [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The sado-sexual crime is not described , yet everything in the text points to Mathias as the perpetrator .
2 Hastings claimed all the Lions points with six penalties , equalling the record for a Lion set by Tony Ward in South Africa in 1980 .
3 Hastings claimed all the Lions points with six penalties , equalling the record for a Lion set by Tony Ward in South Africa in 1980 .
4 Using the mouse or cursor keys the user points to the main heading of the menu he or she wants and the menu pulls ( Windows ) or drops ( GEM ) from the heading .
5 Huge puffy ones started springing up all over the hands at the friction points in Vincente 's system of finger knots .
6 If you became very dehydrated , still feel tired and edgy , the Association points to China Off for 10 days .
7 Furthermore , the escapement is hinged to the key rather than fitting into a slot and the hammer points towards the player .
8 But , because the hammer points towards the player , the rotation of the key moves the check away from the hammer when the key is played , rather than bringing the two closer together .
9 Finally , the chapter points to some of the weaknesses of pluralist approaches to understanding the distribution of political power .
10 Secondary links connect the switch points to individual homes .
11 The research points to the need for better targetting of assistance to achieve urban policy goals ; to the need for greater selectivity to reduce ‘ deadweight ’ spending and secure specific sectoral objectives ; and suggests the need for a strategic approach to co-ordinate the efforts of the various assistance agencies .
12 The contours of the tube are then defined by the position of the entanglement points in the network .
13 Bowling took no further part in the proceedings , but he may think it a small price to pay for providing one of the turning points in a memorable match .
14 The issue points to a more fundamental tension at the heart of professional education , which is that it is concerned not only with knowledge and skills but with norms and attitudes .
15 The reference points on this are n't easy to track down , but try imagining King 's X with Mudhoney influences and you 're probably halfway there .
16 The reference points on this are n't easy to track down , but try imagining King 's X with Mudhoney influences and you 're probably halfway there .
17 It is , however , suggested that where a new basis for constitutionality has come to enjoy universal acknowledgment or sufficiently widespread acquiescence , the judge 's obligation to uphold the law points in the direction of endorsing charge rather than blindly ignoring it .
18 The arrow points from the first node a of the pair ( a , b ) towards the second , b .
19 This run was of particular interest to diesel enthusiasts , due to the locos employed , resulting in many photographers at all the vantage points along the route .
20 ‘ Soul ’ is established as a category containing phenomena as disparate as Professor Paul Davies ' conviction that what we know of the universe points to a grand design , Miriam Rothschild 's delight in the beauty of her biological subject matter , and Oliver Sacks ' realisation that his patients ' brains do not resemble computers .
21 The socialists had concentrated — in their aim for a better world — on the contradiction points between the social relations of production and the productive forces and ignored those between human production and the natural world .
22 That 's achieved by stimulating the Tsubo points on your meridian energy channels .
23 In any highly organised structure ( e.g. crystals , plants , humans ) there are certain points at which the energy is highly concentrated , for example the human Chakras in the Yogic tradition and the acupuncture points in the traditional Chinese medical system .
24 On the latter subject , the author points to the inconsistent decisions on whether the effect of unambiguous operative provisions can be cut down by the long title and he seems to incline to the view that they can be so affected ; this , perhaps , does not give sufficient weight to what was said about the effect of the preamble in Prince Ernest Augustus of Hanover .
25 It would seem that imagination rightly directed enables the extension of meaning which is involved in the Incarnation ; but as the Incarnation points beyond itself in the risen and ascended Christ , so imaginative knowledge of God is transcended by a more purely spiritual experience .
26 If we conceive the junction points to be embedded then we can consider the lengths of chains between junctions using the random walk arguments of the earlier part of this chapter and derive the free energy for the continuum and therefore all the physical quantities we need .
27 The difference in this case is that , given the character points in fig 1.2ii there is no indication about which sequence the points were created in .
28 Spot analysis by microprobe or EDX analysis ( see glossary ) in a scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) ( see glossary ) can detect the solder points by the minor changes in composition .
29 Others , like New Opportunities for Women , have provided the re-entry points into higher and continuing education for women whose choices have been restricted by marriage and childcare and lack of opportunity .
30 The evidence points to it .
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