Example sentences of "the [noun] ended in " in BNC.

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1 The prominence of the Nevilles ended in disaster and the influence of the Percies was at best intermittent .
2 FRIENDLY relations between our own Royal Family and the Russians ended in 1917 with the bloody Bolshevik revolution .
3 Although the attempt ended in failure , he is not bitter and has continued to devote time to Scottish Institute affairs — unlike some of his other campaign colleagues .
4 On another occasion he described how he had ‘ once spent several hours on a bicycle with a friend in a serious attempt to discover the real spot but the search ended in failure though tourists assure me positively that they found it without difficulty ’ .
5 When the partnership ended in 1837 , Aspdin recommenced manufacture with his two sons , James and William , at a nearby site and took James into partnership three years later .
6 He always escaped because the dream ended in the last frame .
7 When the Council ended in Rome , the wider debate did not , though the pope , the curia and , indeed , many of the bishops , found this hard to comprehend .
8 When the marriage ended in legal separation in 1879 they were living in Caen .
9 To lose Cochinchina , they said , would be like France losing Alsace-Lorraine ; and with the French stepping up their efforts to create the impression of autonomy in Cochinchina the conference ended in total disagreement .
10 Asked recently what he would do when the war ended in Croatia , Arkan said he would sell his six captured tanks , hang up his combat fatigues and return to his ice cream parlour business in Belgrade .
11 When the war ended in 1813 , he returned to New York and took up an appointment in charge of the design and construction of ships for the U.S. Navy in its Brooklyn yard .
12 It led to no permanent transfers of territory , though some islands were made neutral at the end of the war , and the half-dozen years after the war ended in 1749 were one of the peaks of eighteenth-century prosperity in the sugar trades .
13 With the war ended in Spain Ferdinand could send 10,000 men under Morillo , a ranker general of great courage and ability : relatively easily , he pacified Venezuela and captured Cartagena in New Granada .
14 In the course of that year , they appealed to Franco on four occasions to restore the monarchy before the war ended in the defeat of the Axis .
15 Then , when the war ended in the summer of 1945 , after being demobbed from Germany , he 'd gone straight back to the US , with no possible hope of any real communication between them except for one or two impermanent and unreliable addresses .
16 the war ended in forty five you know
17 and er that 's how I remember it by except for of course the war ended in nineteen forty five but were n't
18 Brown paint-streaked trouserlegs were tucked into the boots , and at the top the trousers ended in a scallop-shape where a hairy belly hung over in a loop , belly-button gaping .
19 However , the meeting ended in disagreement on Jan. 24 , the United States and Vietnam both opposing a plan , agreed by all other member countries , to begin involuntary repatriations on July 1 , 1990 .
20 As the gloom thickened , Leeds , a goal up , suddenly conceded three in quick succession , and the game ended in victory for Orient .
21 DIEGO MARADONA scored yesterday in Seville 's 2–1 Spanish League victory over Celta — who had four players sent off as the game ended in chaos with fans invading the pitch .
22 But the game ended in a victory for the BNFL lads whose scorers were ( 2 ) , and , who the players voted man of the match .
23 today the two counties have been playing on in the championship and here 's how it finished … they tried hard to get a result but rain stopped play … and the game ended in a draw …
24 When the lease ended in 1810 , Lord transferred his ground to North Bank , Regent 's Park , in order to avoid a greatly increased rent bill , and the MCC moved there in 1811 .
25 Suddenly the drive ended in a gravel sweep and the house reared up on the left .
26 For Nizan , the journey ended in 1939 with the signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact and the invasion of Poland .
27 It was not Sussex backwardness alone that brought trouble but the collapse of the artificial prosperity across England when the wars ended in 1815 and were followed by a series of disastrous harvests .
28 They welcomed the recent reopening of a nightclub — the first since fighting in the city ended in December .
29 De Klerk previously maintained that covert government support for the organization ended in March 1990 .
30 He led the way about six feet further up where the path ended in a flat ledge , and then I could see what had happened .
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