Example sentences of "the [noun] say they " in BNC.

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1 Steve and his wife use it to keep the weight off and ensure their 3 young daughters get the balanced diet the experts say they need .
2 The last Hercules crash was more than 20 years ago and the base say they remain confident in the safety of the transporter plane .
3 The institutions say they intend to raise the equity weighting in their portfolios from under 10% to perhaps 15% by the mid-1990s .
4 The RAF say they 're sorry to leave .
5 For the Germans say they DID make the offer .
6 Well , four days on with thousands of people still on the site at Castle Morton Common , there 's growing anger locally that nobody seems to have the power to do anything about the travellers.Villagers say they 're under siege .
7 The researchers say they can find no evidence of occupational exposure among medical staff or farmers , with the one known case of a farmer whose cattle had BSE developing CJD being regarded as chance , rather than direct transmission .
8 The authorities say they 'll provide alternative services for everyone who uses the Centre and that they hope to redeploy the forty staff .
9 They 're now being taken in Iraqi buses to Baghdad and are expected here in the early hours of the morning , the authorities say they 'll then be free to leave the country .
10 Governors of two of the states say they wo n't take other people 's nuclear garbage .
11 An independent charity , the association say they can only hope to continue this level of help to sporting organisations with the public 's support .
12 The college say they 're distressed by Tracey 's death , she had every reason to anticipate a good degree .
13 TOYOTA 'S ‘ TERMS ’ scheme sums up what the manufacturers say they are offering — ‘ worry-free motoring on a low , no hidden extras , fixed monthly budget ’ .
14 Officers investigating the murder say they 've had more than a hundred calls from the public offering information .
15 A BOY of 17 and two men in their twenties face execution in Burma for planting a bomb , but others involved in the crime say they took no part in it .
16 The guidelines say they should be so informed , and it should also be confirmed in writing .
17 The club say they are already looking for a replacement .
18 The Scots say they can only be driven away by holding up an open Bible in their face .
19 People briefed on the plan say they expect sharp cuts on older Compaq models , particularly those using the 80386 microprocessor , and overall cuts of between 10% and 20% on most existing models .
20 The gypsies say they need a site for up to 40 caravans but there is continuing opposition to such a plan .
21 But the Gypsies say they just want to get on with the local people .
22 But the Gypsies say they just want to get on with the local people .
23 The council say they must pay up .
24 But the council say they have pledged to keep the homes out of private ownership unless it is absolutely necessary .
25 The council say they only pay the level they see fit .
26 The promoters say they hope that if the event becomes an annual festival , prices may then come down .
27 Thirty five years later servicemen who were forced to witness the test say they are still suffering physical and mental side-effects.So far the government has consistently denied a positive link between the two .
28 The result of the partnership will be an Electronic Software Licensing NetWare Loadable Module , but in addition the companies say they are working on developer tools that will give software authors access to the services needed to build licence-enabled NetWare applications .
29 A joint venture between the American Mobile Satellite Corp and Cruisephone Inc is bidding to provide cheap telephone service to marine users : using American Mobile 's 70-foot satellite , to go up next year , the companies say they will be able to provide service at around half the price of Intelsat .
30 The music firms respond with a Chinese menu of good and bad arguments — which , taken all at once ( as the companies say they must be ) induce only dizziness and nausea .
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