Example sentences of "the [noun] is already " in BNC.

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1 The RoadMap is already out to members for review in draft form .
2 By all means let either side appeal , but you can not , in all conscience , increase the sentence of some poor beggar who avers , often acting with appropriate legal advice , that the sentence is already too high .
3 As a solution to a general shortage of balances , however , the fallacy is already apparent because it is very similar to the previous case .
4 Four weeks after fertilisation the heart is already a separate organ and is beating .
5 The effluent is already so highly diluted as not to be dangerous , and the resulting near-pure water will be used in ICI cooling towers .
6 The debtor may apply for an order that the money , if payable in one sum , be paid at a later date than that by which it is due or by instalments , or , if the money is already payable by instalments , that it be paid by smaller instalments .
7 Like the characters and indeed the reader he or she is simply a collection of codes : ‘ The ‘ I ’ which approaches the text is already itself a plurality of other texts , of codes which are infinite , or more precisely , lost ( whose origin is lost ) ’ ( p. 10 ) .
8 What is then delivered to the computer is already processed information about the frequency content , pitch , energy and so on .
9 The ban is already in force in one production area , it 'll apply to the whole factory from the end of the month .
10 ‘ I notice now the accent is already switching to more mobility as they come to terms with the new laws , ’ he explained .
11 Rivals say it 's costing the Murdoch empire millions , when the Times is already loss making .
12 If , on the other hand , the golem is already working , then Haberup ( who may not this time be in a position to claim the patent rights ) has presumably done something to annoy it , and in this case ( 10 ) may be used in the sense of an answer to the question : ( 11 ) what did Haberup do to his golem ?
13 The degree of damage by chipping and splitting of the teeth is already greater , of its kind , than has been observed in the predator assemblages ( see Chapter 3 ) , and since it is combined with absence of breakage of the skulls and mandibles it would seem to present a different pattern of modification from the pellet assemblages .
14 A substantial part of the trail is already in use ; two units of it are incorporated in two excursions ( to Rutli and to Bauen ) described in this section .
15 The budget is already two hundred and eighty-five per cent over original costings .
16 The oral is already available .
17 The course is already drawing the fans and for action like this , it 's no surprise .
18 Phena thinks recent developments entitle her to a newer , bigger house , which she expects me to pay for , with pleasure , despite the fact that the wedding is already running into a fortune .
19 If the digestion is already weakened then it will not cope with a totally raw food diet .
20 The industry is already seeking to get round its international weaknesses — particularly one all foreign drug companies face everywhere , dealing with the regulatory complexities of drug approvals — through licensing agreements with local firms abroad as well as joint ventures , and overseas R&D and production .
21 Slide the square-section spindle into the upper part of the lock ( the lock is already fitted to the door ) .
22 Reduction in police overtime the force is already running at below the minimum levels it considers necessary .
23 Note that no A–D converter is needed here because the data is already digital .
24 The cost of running the car is already , in many families , the biggest item of household expenditure , after food and housing .
25 The result is already among the masterpieces of portraiture in the photographic medium .
26 The reader may think that the result is already known , but all too often different populations behave in different ways so that although there may be an expected result to an investigation it will not be a foregone conclusion .
27 Offers of display items are invited , as the programme is already being devised these should be submitted immediately .
28 To them , the pound is already in a straitjacket .
29 This is probably not the time , but the Opposition is already asking the question which economic historians will seek to answer — what did we do with all the money obtained from petroleum revenue tax and privatisation sales , and was it well-used ?
30 The tape is already in that
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