Example sentences of "the [noun] it became " in BNC.

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1 However , although the University College had not the prestige of the University it became , we had our celebrities .
2 Within the industry it became a commonplace to point out that the discovery of ‘ a Libya a year ’ would be required to maintain the depletion horizon .
3 When a piece of quicklime was held in the tip of the flame it became white hot and glowed brilliantly .
4 Here was the Labour Party reverting to its old self , a better self , yes , than the monster it became under the demonic spell of Tony Benn ; here was a party responsive once more to its own people , the people it so shamefully betrayed at two successive general elections since 1979 , but a party — as somebody once said of the SDP - ‘ promising a better yesterday ’ .
5 Over the months it became clear that Tom 's aggressive arguing with Terry was founded on a similar slight two and a half years previously .
6 Through the composition of the Committee it became legitimate for the Board and the District to negotiate with the LEAs jointly or independently over their provision — a new development which Jacques valued highly as it was an explicit , formal recognition of the District as the Responsible Body for the organisation of WEA classes and courses .
7 Returning to the circuit it became apparent that it would be wise to fly a larger pattern than normal for a microlight type aircraft , because of the good glide ratio , and I was advised to throttle back and fly at around 45 knots .
8 He said : ‘ When police officers attended the scene it became apparent that the media were also in attendance — how they came to be in attendance is not known and not through any action on our part .
9 In the mid-1980s it became part of the electricians ' union the EEPTU .
10 Over the years it became an ecological Salient .
11 During the war it became the seat of the Nazi occupiers , including the infamous Nazis Heydrich and Frank .
12 After the war it became clear to her that the one heroic thing she was even faintly equipped to do with her life was to teach herself to die honourably , by which she meant without fear .
13 During the course of the meeting it became clear that the council is considering withdrawing the bill for a second time in the hope of being able to adopt a new parliamentary order-making procedure under the 1992 Transport and Public Works Act , which may come into force in the next parliamentary session .
14 Once the Austrian had levelled the match it became evident that Durie was on shaky ground .
15 And that one that had wandered off from the rest it became aware that it was lost .
16 As he moved away from the tree it became apparent to Marian that between him and the trunk lay a substantial sack , and that it was this he had been defending so stoutly .
17 In the UK it became increasingly apparent that organisational change in schools was not sufficient to guarantee change in established social attitudes .
18 Leading Tory Euro-rebel Michael Spicer said : ‘ At the end of the day it became an issue of confidence .
19 Nevertheless , during the course of the interviews and our con-versations with friends and contacts in the profession it became apparent that the local law society 's publicly stated reason for the promotion of the scheme provided only a partial explanation of its inception .
20 It had been reported that Smith was to send a written offer to Celtic for Aitken , and although Smith would not specify the amount it became common knowledge that it was for around £300,000 .
21 During the course of the congress it became evident that the KPRP had changed its name to the Cambodian People 's Party ( CPP ) .
22 In the extensive research undertaken for the book it became clear that a number of particular issues posed the greatest challenges to potential returners and to prospective employers .
23 The loyalty that he inspired was genuine , but in the end it became self-defeating , as Kinnock himself realised — witness his damaging refusal to state his own position on electoral reform , lest it should close off discussion .
24 We were never confident the system was going to fly , and towards the end it became clear that they would never recover the cost of the investment ’ .
25 Coxswain Robert McMullan took the lifeboat to Ballycastle and on the way it became clear , via the Coastguard , that a large number of people had been stranded as the Rive Tow burst its banks .
26 During the interviews it became clear that the latter had primacy .
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