Example sentences of "the [noun] behind her " in BNC.

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1 Looking around her as if she thought someone was going to run out of the field behind her and save her , she saw that the man was much nearer .
2 The organ started to play and Ianthe 's attention was diverted by the entry of the preacher , so that she did not notice John walking quietly up the aisle and slipping into the pew behind her .
3 When she heard the rustle behind her , she did n't turn around .
4 She did n't hear the car coming up the lane behind her , barely even registered it as it passed ; it was only when a car door was violently slammed that she looked up , and froze .
5 What 's the story behind her ? ’
6 There was a rustle in the undergrowth behind her .
7 Tabitha heard his bootheels tap up the steps behind her .
8 She turned to Philpott , who was pointing at the couch behind her .
9 The creaking behind her stopped , and Jazzbeaux spun around .
10 The voice came from the doorway behind her .
11 She was kneading bread , her arms flour to the wrists , when the doorway behind her was darkened , and she knew even before she whirled to face him that this was not her father coming home from his snares .
12 She looked up and saw that the lights had changed to green and as the car behind her sounded its horn she let out the clutch too quickly and the car lurched forward .
13 And his jacket was in the locker behind her .
14 She explained her predicament to him in French , occasionally gesturing at the Renault behind her .
15 Then she heard someone come through the bushes behind her — " Oh damn ! " she though : her friends had found her .
16 Léonie left the Jews behind her in the room .
17 She looked across the desk at Wycliffe as though for encouragement , but none came ; his expression remained bland ; she could not even be sure that he was looking at her or whether his gaze was focused on the window behind her .
18 Bridget was last , gently closing the window behind her .
19 The photograph is not very sharp , but the shape of the window behind her is recognizable at once , and in the over-exposed whiteness beyond the glass I can just make out the roof of the Scottish Office and the aerials on top of the Admiralty .
20 She tried to shake her head , but found she was pressed so hard against the stack behind her that movement was impossible .
21 The girl behind her is Alison Clarkson .
22 The girl behind her was a beauty , if a trifle too plump ; she had dark hair , smoothed down like her mother 's , and a flawless complexion of roses and cream .
23 She could hear footsteps striding along the corridor behind her .
24 She did n't see Jack appear at the end of the corridor behind her , or see Mick lift his head and meet the level gaze .
25 Just then she saw the Queen behind her , so she went on , ‘ … clever .
26 She heard a sound in the hall behind her and then Gordon was pulling at the hall door , opening it wider and shouting .
27 She looks motherly ; the hall behind her is full of bicycles .
28 Lydia was sitting on a stile with the sun behind her and Beuno beside her .
29 The footsteps behind her seemed to be hurrying , almost as if they were trying to catch her up .
30 Staring at him in confusion , she hauled herself upright in the bed and pushed the pillow behind her .
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