Example sentences of "the [noun] [coord] became " in BNC.

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1 The Nottingham Trent University seized the opportunity and became sponsors of WISE VI , which , after a major refurbishment programme , was launched at the Royal Festival Hall in London in November 1991 .
2 Parsons attended the 100 Club , Hope & Anchor and the Nashville and became part of the scene .
3 Say she enticed him into the woods and became demanding in every way and heavily emotional , piling on pressure .
4 When Leo made some small movement , she was suddenly brought back to the present and became mortifyingly aware that she had just emptied her heart to a virtual stranger .
5 Dorking County Grammar , a mixed provincial grammar school of around 600 pupils , moved with the times and became the Ashcombe School , a mixed comprehensive of 1,000 pupils .
6 Before I went to bed , I took a dose of the drug and became Doctor Jekyll once more .
7 And so me brother and I , who was a twin , were put into the choir as probationers , like today 's police force , and after twelve months we 'd passed all the necessary tests for the vicar and became chororists with the choir and graduated through it .
8 As machines were introduced to record activity , these support data were printed out onto paper , were signed , dated and cross referenced by the scientist and became attached to the book 's pages .
9 This fact reminds me of a tale I was told in the States recently whereby President Clinton and his wife Hilary and Major Kay drove into a garage , quite why this was necessary the tale does not relate , as the petrol or gas attendant began to fill up the limousine , Hilary Clinton leaped out of the car and became involved in an animated conversation with the petrol attendant .
10 Halfway across , as the Channel became La Manche , language reassembled itself , rose from the waves and became French .
11 Tony was one of the undoubted stars of the review and became my invaluable right-hand man .
12 His place of birth , Montona near Trieste , was one day just handed over to the Communists and became a part of Yugoslavia .
13 Walker was one of the most active members of the steering committee appointed in 1853 to establish the museum ; and as secretary of the British Association in 1859–61 he helped organize the Oxford meeting of 1860 , which inaugurated the museum but became famous for its discussion of Darwinism .
14 Desiderius was well-educated in the law and became treasurer to Chlothar II ; he succeeded one brother , Syagrius , as governor of Marseilles , and subsequently he was elected bishop of Cahors in place of his other brother , Rusticus , who had been murdered .
15 In 1390 one of the major figures of the Reformation , Jan Hus , studied at the Carolinum and became rector in 1409 , although he was later ordered to cease preaching and was excommunicated ( see p.218 ) .
16 All the more remarkable then that in 1829 , a born-deaf person with no speech was called to the Bar and became a barrister .
17 On her father 's death in June 1927 , she succeeded to the seigniory and became dame of Sark , determined from the outset to bring improvements to the island without sacrificing its unusual charms .
18 After independence in the 1820s , an expanding plantation economy removed the forest and became dominated by coffee and bananas , with a dangerous reliance on a few exports .
19 Dreams of Comfort and Anthony and David mixed with memories of the war and became tangled up with the figures on the painted ceiling above her bed and the work she had been doing for Kesselring 's trial .
20 Built in 1934 for the infamous 1936 Hitler Olympics , when the black hero of America , Jesse Owens , smashed the formidable sprint opposition of Germany , the stadium had withstood the Allied bombings during the war and became a symbol of a new Germany when Berlin was split in half by the Wall .
21 At Rouen the fuel filters were so good that they took all the dye out of the fuel and became clogged , so we only finished second .
22 By borrowing Chinese cameras , and gaining access to more sophisticated foreign models that had been ‘ liberated ’ from bourgeois homes by the Red Guards , he gradually mastered the art and became a very proficient photographer .
23 The child climbed out of the cab and became caught in the unguarded pto of the attached implement .
24 Over and over she asked the questions and became so demented by them that , though she trembled with indignation , she once more went into the Casa Guidi and , controlling herself as best she could , asked to see her old mistress .
25 Gordon accepted the title and became the largest land- and vineyard-owner on the island .
26 A greasy tub of lard with filthy hair and a red , unshaven face introduced himself as the keeper and became almost fawning when Benjamin informed him who he was .
27 One of his brothers went into the Navy and became very successful and very high up in maritime administration , another went into the Army , and became a General .
28 While Dace said that recession continued in the UK and became more visible in continental Europe , exchange rate movements meant that revenues were maintained in all sectors of Riva 's business .
29 He stayed in the theatre , went on to television and the movies and became James Bond .
30 Nicholson was caught up in the aftermath and became Hollywood 's hottest property to emerge for two decades .
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