Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] be use [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The flex energy is the energy difference between the potential energy minimum of the located bond and the potential minima of the remaining possible orientations which may be used on the lattice .
2 There is no simple procedure to determine the number of blocks which may be used by the media item .
3 There is , of course , a substantial , and growing , body of precedents which may be used by the drafter preparing a set of standard terms .
4 The consortium intends picking suppliers for federated naming ( which may be used in the object management system to enhance seamless support for multiple object managers ) , multimedia support and object management in the third quarter .
5 Appendix C describes the keywords which may be used in the RDBI configuration file .
6 The sum of these two numbers together will allow you to choose the most important and characteristic symptoms of the case which should be used for the next step .
7 Following questions in Parliament , the Department of Trade and Industry announced last October that ‘ oversized ’ cuffs and certain linking chains , which could be used for the same purpose as leg irons , had been evading UK export controls , and would be restricted .
8 On 17 October , Mr Sainsbury announced — ‘ in the light of publicity ’ — that ‘ oversized ’ cuffs and certain linking chains , which could be used for the same purpose as leg irons , had been evading export control .
9 He had at his discretion a sum — a considerable sum , in the view of the Accounts Department — which could be used for the payment of informers .
10 The Republican Party saw this as an issue which could be used against the Democrats in the approaching presidential election of 1920 .
11 Each one , in its way , might suggest some piece of a natural form which could be used in the creation of a marquetry design .
12 Although alcohol is the most obvious example of a biomass fuel others would include methane from sewage which could be used in the internal combustion engine as well as a chemical feedstock .
13 Each module has a section on Suggested Learning and Teaching Approaches which could be used in the delivery of the module .
14 The Garda Crime Prevention Officer in Letterkenny has issued a warning that items which could be used in the celebration of a ‘ Black Mass ’ had been discovered .
15 In the context of financial conglomerates , this might concern information , say , in the corporate finance arm which could be used by the investment arm for its own account dealing .
16 Another popular scale is the Aeolian , which would be used over the VI chord of a harmonised major scale , or over a m7£5 chord .
17 This is a claim based on a four percent interest rate , not a two percent which would be used on the basis of and nineteen eighty eight three weekly report , law reports one two four seven .
18 We do not as yet have full details of the standard assessment tasks which will be used at the ages of seven and eleven and subsequently ; if they do not provide a means of screening for learning difficulty , and identifying the nature of the difficulty , a significant opportunity will have been missed .
19 Within the next , er month or so a national consultation is being held within the URC to consider the advice of producing a programme of training for eldership which will be used throughout the call of the church and if there are any suggestions or any proposal that anyone would like to make I shall be very glad to receive them within the next month .
20 An increasing number of archivists and a few historians are coming to believe that a major change has taken place in the manner in which human society creates the evidence which will be used by the historians who , in the future , come to write about the late twentieth century ( Morris , et. al. 1992 ) .
21 In many cases the contract under consideration between the buyer and the seller will be a subcontract ( for instance to provide components ) which will be used by the buyer to fulfil part of his obligations under a prime contract where he is in his turn acting as the seller .
22 A paper by Hughes and Cole ( 1986 ) describes two studies which use a methodology similar to the one which will be used in the study described in this chapter .
23 Thus historians need to create an awareness amongst themselves of the shape and the nature of the information structures which will be used in the future for the history of the present .
24 Whatever may be the instigating factor in a piece of research , whether it be a random observation or a sudden thought in the library , there is a common form of procedure which can be used for the research .
25 The Institute of Investment Management and Research ( IIMR , formerly the Society of Investment Analysts ) has set up a sub-committee under my chairmanship to decide on the calculation of an earnings figure which can be used for the per-share calculation and for price/earnings ratios .
26 Even the garden , which can be used for the conspicuous display of flowers and shrubs rather than the more utilitarian purpose of growing food , may become part of this .
27 There are three types of media which can be used with the hard copy system :
28 Users need to know what peripherals are needed such as printers ( and the make of printer which can be used with the program ) or robot arms or whether a joystick is needed .
29 Those on half board will receive vouchers in the resort which can be used at the various cafes and restaurants .
30 The priority , I think , is a good leaflet which can be used as the basis for a mailing and for sharing with Christian Aid 's partners and your contacts .
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