Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If the lunar curves in Figure 6.9 can roughly be applied to Mercury then crater erasure took place before about 4000 Ma ago , and most of the present craters , which may also have given rise to the smooth plains , were in place by about 3000 Ma ago , and little has happened on the Mercurian surface since except for the effects of tidal slow-down and interior shrinkage .
2 Similarly , the reference to the barge really refers to an account in a play of a scene which we do not and in some ways could not witness , a scene which may never have taken place in those terms .
3 Let it not be forgotten that in the years leading to the war the Tories were so scared of Russia that they missed the chance to establish a partnership which might well have prevented war .
4 The current South African team is still a long way from emulating the 1960s side which could well have claimed World Championship status if they had been able to test their strength against Garry Sobers ' West Indies .
5 This criticism is not mainly directed at universities and colleges , which would surely wish to appoint experience professionals who met their academic and teaching standards .
6 The court which would normally have taken cognizance was that over which the lord presided ; and although it was in the lord 's court that the vassal made his defiance , it was usually done , not in person , but by messenger or herald , and the vassal could not at that stage accept any ruling of the court .
7 Proposals for a Defense Industrial Base Revitalisation Act , which would also have provided cash for retooling over a wide range of American industry , had widespread support from Democrats and Republicans .
8 An amendment which would effectively have outlawed abortion , by extending the provisions of a clause on the right to life to include life from the moment of conception , was defeated .
9 The third scheme is the exploitation of the oil shales near Ein Bokek , which will also require cooling water .
10 But these will be accompanied by organizational arrangements , systems of administration and working conventions which will also help to define policy .
11 Moreover , my colleague Christine d'Andlau-Hombourg is French and multilingual which will also help to introduce Colnaghi 's to our Continental clients .
12 To the extent that completion of the SEM will encourage production activities to become more mobile , there are a series of factors which will also come to determine choice of location .
13 If the universe is destined to go on expanding forever , the temperature of the microwave radiation will eventually decrease to less than that of such a black hole , which will then begin to lose mass .
14 It is a technique which can also help keep sample size down in the case of a large survey .
15 The Press Code further requires that the first printed copy of each issue be submitted to the Ministry of Interior which can then intervene to stop distribution .
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