Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] [be] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The Palace is still in regular use as a Royal residence and contains many treasures , including some of the personal belongings of Mary Queen of Scots , which may be seen throughout most of the year .
2 Each point made must be supported by fact and in turn generates more questions which may be answered in that paragraph .
3 For Dworkin 's rights thesis is put forward in the context of an institutional environment which operates a clear division of labour between courts and other institutions in terms of the kind of argument which may be deployed in each ( Brownsword and Harden , 1981 ) .
4 But it is still a very large sum indeed , which may be viewed with some in credulity by the millions of lower paid people who have been hit by the Government 's attitudes on , for example , child benefits .
5 The tenth edition of the Kalendar in 1754 , contained a write-tip of the sixth edition of the Dictionary ( 1752 ) and on its title page was notice of the fact that it had been ‘ adapted to the new style , with a list of medicinal plants which may be gathered in each month for use ’ .
6 There will be some disruption to traffic while the work is in progress and British Gas South Western apologises for any inconvenience which may be caused by this essential work .
7 Such kinds of nationalism , which may be strengthened in some cases by the dominance of a particular religion , are not , in their most intense form , generally conducive to the development of a liberal democratic society , as may be seen from certain current trends in Eastern Europe .
8 There are a number of studies which suggest that it is sensible to think of subjective risk when driving as a continually fluctuating quantity which may be related to both estimated and objective risk .
9 One of the administrative advantages is that central government can ameliorate the monopoly of information which may be possessed by such agents .
10 Providing there is an interior solution for intergenerational transfers ( which may be made in either direction ) , the general equilibrium of the economy is unaffected by tax and debt policy .
11 The ordinary shares will not provide the management with a fixed dividend , but usually carry the right to participate pari passu with the holders of the preferred ordinary shares in any additional dividends which may be declared in any year after the fixed and/or participating dividends on the preference shares and preferred ordinary shares have been paid .
12 There is , however , a somewhat earlier use of the terms and in another document in the Topkapi Sarayi archives which may be dated with some certainty to 929–30/1523 and which lists , and in most cases gives short biographies of , the ulema then holding or in line for the various offices of the learned profession in " the of eastern and western Anadolu as well as all the of Syria and Egypt " .
13 Some theorists have drawn attention to the repressed motivations , which may be expressed by this ‘ paranoid ’ system of beliefs .
14 The number of errors which may be reported during any LIFESPAN run is determined by the second parameter of the keyword ERROR_FILENAME in the LIFESPAN configuration file .
15 It will be appreciated that this change will not in any way increase the number of shares which may be issued under all schemes .
16 The " putting together " signified by the heading to this category is a skill which may be needed at all or several stages of study , from the formulation of plans or an enquiry up to the creation of a product …
17 There is no restriction on the format and number of lines which may be included under this heading .
18 There is no restriction on the format and number of lines which may be included under this heading .
19 Neither these heads of agreement nor their acceptance by the Vendors will constitute a binding contract between the parties nor a restriction on any further terms which may be included in that contract , but , subject thereto , it is intended that they form the basis of instruction to lawyers for the drafting and completion of a legally binding agreement between the parties .
20 Neither these heads of agreement nor their acceptance by the Vendors will constitute a binding contract between the parties nor a restriction on any further terms which may be included in that contract , but , subject thereto , it is intended that they form the basis of instruction to lawyers for the drafting and completion of a legally binding agreement between the parties .
21 There are two distal oral papillae on each side of the jaw ; a conspicuous spine-like one on the oral plate and a smaller scale-like one on the adoral plate which may be missing in some specimens ( see Madsen , 1970 : 179–181 for a discussion of this character ) .
22 It is advisable for children to be given inactivated polio vaccine as the live vaccine contains polio virus which may be shed for several months after being taken .
23 It is advisable for children to be given inactivated polio vaccine as the live vaccine contains the polio virus which may be shed for several months after being taken .
24 You are provided with cheques which may be drawn in any currency , and mailed direct to your overseas supplier .
25 The authority is within its assigned area , it is for example properly adjudicating on furnished premises , and the question before us now concerns the rationale for judicial control over the fair rent which should be charged for such premises .
26 Lord Clinton , chairman , said : ‘ This is a marvellous result which sets a precedent which should be heeded by all the water and detergent companies and is a positive step forward for the future health of all rivers in the South West . ’
27 The first question which should be asked on this subject is why use microcomputers Is the starting point for the selection of software either ( a ) because in this technological era everyone should know about microcomputers or ( b ) for sound learning aims and objectives ? i.e. do school librarians and teachers start from the skills and processes or because of the existence of software ?
28 A point in case is the Mini Master homebuilt twin , above , a demonstration model of which should be flying at this year 's Popular Flying Association Rally at Wroughton.The Mini Master is a kit that has attracted a lot of attention in the US because it brings twin engine safety within the reach of the homebuilt market .
29 The combination of methods utilized by smaller authorities may have to be different from those employed by larger authorities , but they have similar training objectives , and many similar needs , which should be recognized as such .
30 I would suggest that this exercise involves two stages — firstly defining those aspects of transport services which should be covered by such an audit , and secondly , attempting to devise measurable indicators which are appropriate to use in describing to what extent transport services meet aspirations in each area .
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