Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] [adv] [adj] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 The structures must be able to withstand bad weather , including gale force winds , ensuring there is no distracting and perhaps alarming flapping of canvas on windy days , which is particularly important if a PA system is to be used .
2 Miniature roses , sometimes not more than 6 inches ( 15cm ) high when full grown , are often denigrated and derided as toys — which is most unfair because a great many people with the most limited facilities who would otherwise miss out are thus enabled to experience the satisfaction of rose growing .
3 It is very unlikely that any opposition party will win an election until it convinces the electorate that it has an economic policy which is internally coherent and a defence policy which measures up to its name .
4 With Wagner 's ‘ The Ride of the Valkyries ’ blaring from the loudspeakers , and rockets and machine-guns firing , the helicopters devastate the village in a scene which is simultaneously appalling and a cinematic tour de force .
5 As we shall see in the next chapter , the consequence of this stiffness is that timber has had to evolve a work of fracture mechanism which is quite different and a good deal more ingenious .
6 Because of the size of the data this is a large commitment to space which is only worthwhile where a large number of people want to look at a lot of the data .
7 Then there 's ‘ JC Auto ’ , which is more wired than a plug factory and finds Mould screaming ‘ JESUS CHRIST !
8 I use Glodex glazing plastic ( from DIY stores ) which is more rigid than a commercial condensation tray , and also does not discolour if used under a hood fitted with light bulbs .
9 There are a number of modelling programs suitable for use on microcomputers at a price which is so low that a complete system often costs less than the terminals used merely to communicate with larger computers .
10 With design in Germany racing forward , some of their ideas for coordinating fabrics in the bedroom with colours in your wardrobes can create an image which is as cool as a stroll in the Black Forest .
11 The final weapon is the tongue , which is as rough as a rasp and is used for stripping hair and skin from the flesh , though the tiger eats plenty of both , probably as roughage .
12 The punt sailed out across a stretch of the cistern which was as calm as a pond .
13 An occasion marked by a speech from the president himself , Peter Mead of Abbot Mead Vickers , which was noticeably defensive although a few of the jokes might have been considered mildly offensive by one or two sections of society ( indicating that the IPA , like kindred bodies , is still predominantly white , male and middle-class ) .
14 So try twelve pennies and find all the numbers that will multiply together to make twelve and one you mentioned earlier which was very good cos a lot of people forget it was just twelve ones or one twelve .
15 We had stuff like a ‘ 79 Marshall combo , which was really wonderful and a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier amp , which was a beautiful amp .
16 What is as soothing as a set of worry beads , leaves your hands feeling warm and energised and could even help pinpoint an imbalance in your system ?
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