Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] [adv] [verb] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In some cases where favelados have moved to new housing schemes , they have been unable to meet the payments , which are periodically increased because of inflation and , therefore , had to return to the favelas .
2 Aggression , in the Morrissey vision , is something which is both permitted and to be encouraged in certain circumstances .
3 Many rocks are composed of a high proportion of echinoderm debris , which is easily recognized because of this optical property .
4 It would be unwise to come to any firm conclusion , remembering that the majority of those we know about are amongst the sandhills which are constantly being eroded by the winds which expose them , that the eastern part of the island down to Kildalton is largely deer forest which is rarely visited except by stalkers , that there are probably many more cists to be discovered .
5 The teenage element of the community have one inadequate youth club which does not have the facilities to provide the required range of activities and no amount of proposed refurbishment will entice the majority to attend a club which is badly situated and of dubious reputation .
6 Barthes 's S/Z brings the reader into particular prominence first in its concept of the scriptible that calls for active involvement on the part of the reader in the production of the text ( which is not to forget that in Critique et vérité Barthes had already described the critic as someone who has actively to produce a meaning for the polysemic text ) ; and second , in its thoroughly intertextual view of literature .
7 It is therefore argued that the operation of monetary policy should be taken out of the hands of the government which is politically motivated and into the hands of the Central Bank , which is neutral but has a reputation to uphold ( such a situation exists in Germany , with the Bundesbank deciding on monetary policy ) .
8 An office which is assiduous about publication and publicity , but which is often seen as outside the dialogues of current architectural concern in the USA , deserves a more judicious appraisal then it has received , here or elsewhere .
9 ‘ The new syllabus is required because marketing is highly dynamic subject which is now regarded as of key importance to many disciplines other than advertising and sales .
10 Little mineral exploration has been carried out in the area which is poorly exposed except in coastal sections .
11 From here on , until the old road was rejoined at the ‘ Windsor Castle ’ , Carshalton , the area served was entirely good-class residential housing , much of which was not built until after the 1914–18 war .
12 The stone-built house existed contemporaneously with a remarkably long-lived timber-framed building across a lane to the north , which was not dismantled until towards the end of the fourth century .
13 LORD HANWORTH M.R. [ after stating the facts and accepting the principle that a creditor is not bound by an agreement to accept a smaller sum in satisfaction of a larger ascertained amount , unless there be a benefit or even any legal possibility of benefit to the creditor thrown in ] : We have , therefore , to consider whether the agreement that was made here on July 6 was an agreement to do anything else than simply to pay on Friday , July 8 , into the hand of the creditors the sum which was already ascertained and in respect of which there was not only the legal liability , but a duty enforceable by any mode of execution against the debtor .
14 In practice , the planning system is being used to settle disputes between neighbours in a way which was never intended and for which it is not designed .
15 What is often overlooked because of Cuba 's active ( although never particularly substantial ) support for armed struggle in Latin America later in the 1960s is that , initially , the Castro regime made consistent attempts to build diplomatic relations with its hemispheric neighbours .
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