Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adj] [noun] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Shamim 's village is like many others from which Pakistani immigrants have come to Britain .
2 There have certainly been criticisms of the relatively narrow view which private practitioners have taken of their work ( a failing which results partly from the type of legal education currently provided ) and it is true that the introduction of the legal advice and assistance scheme in 1973 was intended to give solicitors the opportunity to take a wider range of work .
3 Then there is the £40 000 million , in 1982 terms , which British tax-payers have spent in grants and subsidies to farmers since 1946 .
4 Literature is replete with tales of the power which old people have exercised over property and the way this has been used in intergenerational interactions .
5 Numerous attempts have been made to stifle theories which some power-holders have found to be unpalatable but which have , over time , become more generally acceptable .
6 Correlations with the C-reactive protein and serum alpha-1 acid glycoprotein which some authors have claimed to be the most reliable laboratory indicators of activity are further illustrated in Figures 5 and 6 .
7 Yet the difficulties which some governments have experienced in recent years in delivering political promises that the size of the bureaucracy would be reduced suggest that there is something to the foundation upon which economic models of bureaucracy have been built .
8 ‘ The managerial and cultural changes which Scottish companies have introduced in response to the green agenda are not well understood and we can say very little about the effectiveness of these changes . ’
9 Then , as this piling-up process has proceeded , it has created new interests which future developments have to take into account .
10 At all times in the past , certainly as far back as the Neolithic period , there have been particular places to which surrounding settlements have looked for specialised goods and services .
11 Case studies of three examples of corporate reorganisation consider the way in which corporate structures have changed during the last two decades , and the implications of this for the geography of service production .
12 If these are instincts which human beings have inherited over several million years , any understanding clearly entails demonstrating how they are combined with the social and cultural relations of contemporary society .
13 For the next year , he says , his life will be all Aspects of Love — setting it on the rails along which previous vehicles have coasted with profitable ease — London , New York , Australia , Vienna , Hungary , Tokyo .
14 ‘ The defendants have endured a delay of more than four years , during which these allegations have hung over them , ’ a statement said .
15 It is astonishing , given the need for monitoring , that the Commission 's Sixth Report on the Completion of the Internal Market , published in June 1991 , makes almost no reference at all to the enforcement of provisions of the single market , and although there is an account showing which national parliaments have legislated on the directives , implementation at national level is only one side of the coin : the report does not address implementation at local level .
16 Wordsworth spoke of children " trailing clouds of glory " , and their intuitive appreciation of Mystery may be one aspect of this which many adults have lost to their own deprivation and that of others .
17 In fact , it is the facility to achieve high degrees of such co-ordination and control in its complex inter-market organization and state-facilitated integration which many commentators have seen as the strategic edge of Japanese capitalism .
18 Unfortunately , the idea ( which many people have held at different times ) of a national ballet for South Africa has not come to fruition even now , four decades later , any more than the dream which John cherished when working in Germany of forming a national company there .
19 ‘ Nevertheless it has to be recognised that there is an unbroken series of dicta in judgments of appellate courts to the effect that there is a judicial discretion to exclude admissible evidence which has been ‘ obtained ’ unfairly or by trickery or oppressively , although except in Reg. v. Payne [ 1963 ] 1 W.L.R. 637 , there never has been a case in which those courts have come across conduct so unfair , so tricky or so oppressive as to justify them in holding that the discretion ought to have been exercised in favour of exclusion .
20 On September 2 , tens of thousands of South Africans of all races observed a minute 's silence at noon in a demonstration of revulsion at the violence in which 17,000 people have died in eight years .
21 As I understand it — of course , I am open to correction — the discount system which Conservative Members have praised to the sky will be entirely financed within the system , so others who are not getting the 25 per cent .
22 Yet Dr. Elliott is elsewhere in print ( on the back of an Abbey Records LP ) as maintaining as almost certain that Carver composed the superb anonymous 6-Part Mass , ‘ Cantate Domino , ’ intimately related musically to Fera Pessima , which survives in partbooks from Lincluden ( Dr. Elliott has edited it from performance , and declared it ‘ shows more assured technical command ’ than Fere Pessima itself ) ; while the Carver Choirbook itself contains a fine anonymous 3-Part Mass which several scholars have suspected to be genuine Carver — and which is moreover largely in his hand .
23 The way in which particular individuals have reacted to a particular restraint , and how this in turn has affected their general social behaviour and attitudes , has no firm rules which can be laid down .
24 The way in which wealthy Englishmen have dealt with their capital has changed greatly in the last hundred years or so .
25 All the contributions to the theory of Roman imperialism which modern scholars have ascribed to Panaetius are of course pure products of the imagination .
26 Among the species at risk are swans , kingfishers , mayflies and dragonflies , of which four species have disappeared in the last 20 years .
27 This is , of course , not the first year in which budgetary cuts have had to be made .
28 IF THERE is one political lesson which recent events have underlined in Africa , South East Asia and Latin America , it is that peasant armies waging guerilla wars all end up committing the same sort of brutalities , whatever the flag they fight under .
29 … Its report restored to the public a sense of security , which had been badly shaken by Lord Hewart 's book , and which subsequent events have proved to be false .
30 This is just one of the many incidents which local residents have warned about all this time .
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