Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] been [vb pp] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 It is not yet clear how many criteria teachers and others can be expected to manage , or find useful , but the limited amount of research and observation which has been conducted in this area suggests that teachers do not always work at a high level of detailed information .
2 Perhaps they have read or heard of some of the research which has been done in this field in recent years , and it has opened up their minds .
3 In this assessment of the sexual climate we may now look at some of the more reputable work which has been done in this country to analyse sexual experience and attitudes among our population .
4 One of the factors influencing the career decisions of professionals is opportunity for career advancement , which has been limited in this field until recently .
5 We have previously shown that , of the biochemical indicators , a low tubular phosphate threshold correlated best with a poor response to pamidronate , and we suggested then the poor response was due to high concentrations of PTHrP , which has been confirmed in this study .
6 ‘ Therefore , Labour will be back in strength in the next election , and in the meantime , will be tiny of the performance of the council which has been elected on this occasion . ’
7 The first point which has been raised on this appeal is the use of the present tense in section 31(2) of the Children Act 1989 .
8 That is the Thameslink line , which is a part of the Bill and which has been referred to this evening .
9 And although the er , the causal relationship is not completely established , it is a very helpful way of remembering that one of the principle distinguishing features of this organism which separates it from other members of the genus staphylococcus it pr it produces this enzyme to coagulate things on and the effects of this enzyme are illustrated here as against the control preparation , you see a clot form due to the action of this enzyme on clotting practice which has been put into this test tube serum .
10 The first question which has been considered on this appeal is whether the justices were right in thinking that they had power in an appropriate case to order that there should be no contact between the mother and child under section 34(2) of the Act of 1989 .
11 In fact , although there are both surreal and baroque elements in his work , Gironella prefers to call it mestizo ’ , a term which has often had negative , racist overtones but which has been acclaimed in this century , especially in Mexico , as a positive value , indeed the distinguishing feature of Mexican culture : the rich and fruitful mixture of the European with the indigenous American .
12 That is a technique which has been practised in this country for many years , and there is now increasing pressure for it , and increasing use of it , in relation to Community legal texts .
13 Okay we a major cause of some five hundred thousand pounds and we give addition to the three point six five one million which has been identified in this amendment .
14 If we adopt the more expansive conception of democracy which has been used throughout this book , the case is even stronger .
15 Mr Heseltine has long advocated an extension of such agencies to other British regions , and Sir Geoffrey 's new-found support could signal Cabinet debate on industrial policy — an issue which has been omitted from this week 's conference agenda .
16 This can represent a route to technology evaluation at low risk to the user and there are many examples of useful ventures which have been developed in this way .
17 Beyond all the rarefied discussion of these fundamental forces , beyond the political point scoring and the political footballs , many of which have been kicked around this evening , there remains the overwhelming problem of coping humanely and fairly with the constant flow of individual human beings — now 50,000 a year , which is 10 times more than three years ago .
18 That is because the deeper issues of the party divide lay elsewhere — in the political , constitutional and , in particular , the religious tensions which have been explored in this book , many of which dated back to the Restoration .
19 We think that such a duty is imposed by law ; and on consideration of the Statute of Elizabeth , l and of the cases which have been decided on this subject , we are all of the opinion that a party can not maintain an action for compensation for loss of time in attending a trial as a witness .
20 These include the Entity-Relationship ( E-R ) Model [ 20 ] and Taxis [ 21 ] , both of which have been employed in this work .
21 We may conclude , however , with a list of points which have been made in this chapter , and which form the basis of the use of the term " style " in this book .
22 Table 8.1 summarises some research on grammatical features in different sign languages which are also found in BSL and which have been discussed in this book .
23 This page enables you to provide information about any DCs which have been superseded by this DC , up to a maximum of 10 .
24 The other ‘ fixing ’ agents , which have been described in this chapter , act to create a catch-22 situation .
25 It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between such processes and true appendages but the principal types of organs which have been included under this category are : ( I ) Pseudopods , which are characteristic of many dipterous larvae .
26 In briefing senior managers about appearing on television , for example , attention must be paid to many of the aspects of communication which have been considered in this assignment — the importance of appearance and hair style , the use of non-verbal language , choice of words , tone , pauses and so on : some of the many and complex elements that combine as part of what we call ‘ communication ’ .
27 One of their obligations is to always provide two-way prices on the discount money market instruments which have been considered in this chapter .
28 In the next section , we shall bring together the models of welfare and levels of prevention which have been expounded in this paper so far , and attempt to relate them to child care policy and practice .
29 Much as I sympathise with the plaintiffs , it would , in my opinion , be extending the implications based on the maxim … to an unreasonable extent if it were held that what has been done in this case was a breach of an implied obligation .
30 Mr. Speaker : I am sure that the Leader of the House has listened carefully and will have noted what has been said on this important matter .
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