Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was as though a white cloak had been thrown over the entire countryside , a cloak which gleamed beneath an enormous ghostly-white moon , robbing the night of its darkness .
2 In his article Neumann can not avoid having to deal with the Menuetto from Beethoven 's Symphony no.1 , which goes at a lively dotted minim = 108 .
3 Concurrent is currently working on integrating the system with its own real-time and multiprocessing technology , which goes beyond the simple symmetric multiprocessing features offered by the Unix Labs version — Concurrent customers using the machines for applications such as simulation , measurement and control , weather and aerospace and signal intelligence analysis often need more control over how applications use the multiple chips .
4 Concurrent is currently working on integrating the system with its own real-time and multiprocessing technology , which goes beyond the simple symmetric multiprocessing features offered by the USL version — Concurrent customers using the machines for applications such as simulation , measurement and control , weather and aerospace and signal intelligence analysis often need more control over how applications use the multiple chips .
5 An importer or wholesaler will not be able to rely on this defence if he has taken no steps to require his supplier to supply goods which correspond with the relevant legal requirements .
6 In this assay two recombinant antigens , which correspond to the putative structural region of the ORF3 of HEV , are coated on polystyrene microplate wells to which serum is added .
7 At the time of this study , which ceased in the early 1980s , average interest payments for the 73 countries were $27.50 per capita .
8 Using the wider kin group as the basis for organizing social and economic life may not be characteristic of contemporary Britain , but some of the groups who have migrated to this country since the Second World War have brought with them , and retained , a pattern of kin relationships which differs from the white British norm and which in some cases includes a preference for cousin marriage .
9 The 1830s saw the foundation of hundreds of small banks like the Midland , many of which failed in the successive financial crises of the following decade .
10 In studying the period 1968–77 , Davies and Caves ( 1987 ) had argued that it was the conjunction of British managerial weakness and labour organization in large plants which led to the traditional national problem of low productivity .
11 Each pair of houses shared a front door , staircase and a passageway which led to the small rear yard .
12 The chief driving force behind the moves which led to the Single European Act of 1986 was the perceived need to create a single market in Europe in order to strengthen and develop the economies of the Twelve .
13 This had the effect of realigning the traditional shipping lanes up and down the Gulf which led to the centuries-old general cargo ports in the Shatt al-Arab , Basrah and Khorramshahr , as well as the old-established Gulf ports like Bahrain and Kuwait and the recently installed array of oil terminals nearby : Mina al-Ahmadi and Mina Abdallah in Kuwait ; Ras Tanura and al-Jubail in Saudi Arabia ; Mina Saud and Ras Khafji in the Neutral Zone between the two ; Sitra in Bahrain ; Halul Island off Qatar and its onshore counterpart Umm Said ; Jabal Dhanna in Abu Dhabi and offshore Das Island ; and Kharg Island and Bandar Mah Shahr on the Iranian coast .
14 A bust-enhanced beauty queen in a goldthread string bikini wandered in with Manolo 's Nicaraguan , which steamed in an authentic 1919 World Series Commemorative Mug , and wandered out again .
15 In our series the 5 year overall survival was 17% , and after resection and reconstruction it was 24% , which agrees with the reported 5 year survival ) 14.5–22% ) .
16 The Council has also actively contributed towards the production of the ATCO ( Scotland ) draft Model Specification for Buses which builds on the existing DPTAC recommendations .
17 Best song of the night though , is the bitter ‘ High As I Kite ’ which builds via a tense three minutes , drops out and then comes back like an annoyed shop customer , to have another go .
18 In their prospective study of 400 working-class women with children in North London , Brown and his colleagues ( 1987 ) found a threefold increased risk of depression to follow severe events which arose from a long-standing social difficulty compared to women experiencing the same kind of event but without such a prior history .
19 Before examining the study 's findings in some depth , it is interesting to report on some of the results which arose from the preliminary postal survey .
20 My eldest sister had a black cauldron suspended from an old iron cooking tripod , this was filled with sawdust and packed with small gifts which made for an attractive lucky dip at tuppence a time .
21 The package , which applied to the current fiscal year ( ending in March 1993 ) , was finally passed on Dec. 10 , after the special session of the Diet had been extended for a further two days .
22 Thus in a case such as Anisminic one would say , inter alia , that if there is property in Egypt , which belongs to a British national or successor in title at the relevant dates , which has been seized , the FCC shall award compensation .
23 It is worth going to Eira da Serrado , just above Curral das Freiras , for an amazing view down onto the village of Curral das Freiras which nestles in a spectacular deep valley .
24 Referring to Figure 5 , it will be seen that there must be two places , one on either side of the tip of the extra sheet , where the atoms are distorted to an angle which approximates to the theoretical shearing strength of the crystal .
25 And those countries already in on the act surged ahead — notably South Korea , which moved into the top ten richest countries in the world .
26 The profound learning experience which occurred during the early 1980s has established a style of operation and a mutual receptivity to change which Pilkingtons believe will transform the company from a reactive to a proactive organization capable of dealing with market uncertainty .
27 The need to provide suitable jobs for an ever-growing number of even qualified job-seekers , much less the unqualified ones described by writers such as Kocu Bey , is likewise almost certainly responsible for the considerable elaboration of the grades of medreses which occurred from the late sixteenth century onwards .
28 The flowering of Serbian national culture which occurred in the late eighteenth century and which led to the national awakening and later re-establishment of a Serbian state , owes much to the Orthodox monasteries in Fruška Gora .
29 Nevertheless , as already suggested , wages did not decrease at the height of the slump of 1929 to 1933 at anything like the level of reductions which occurred in the early 1920s and some type of stability and balance was being established .
30 Too often some of our Catholic families are not aware of the existence of our excellent senior schools which provide for a solid Catholic education and a growth in faith for our children .
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