Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [be] show [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 So the results of this trial will be of enormous benefit to mothers as in future they will be offered a treatment which has been shown to be effective .
2 Serum triglyceride levels are generally unaltered in both short- and long-term studies ( Dodson et al , 1985 ) , providing unrefined carbohydrate is used , as opposed to refined carbohydrate which has been shown to be hypertriglyceridaemic in some studies ( Reaven , 1980 ) .
3 The objective is simple — to ensure that others learn from the experience of the identified ‘ best ’ and raise their own level of performance to that which has been shown to be attainable .
4 The movement to re-examine curriculum and methodology , which has been shown to be characteristic of teachers and educationists since the end of the Second World War , may take a variety of different forms , and become associated with a number of different fashions and bandwagons , but it is unlikely to come to a halt .
5 RAP30 has been reported to contain a sequence homologous to region 1b and 2 of σ factors of bacteria , which has been shown to be a binding site for the core component of E.coli RNA polymerase and possibly for mammalian RNA polymerase II ( 19,40 ) .
6 There is a famous sequence of " Going over the top " in the First World War which has been shown to be a staged sequence .
7 Once the post-revolutionary fervour had simmered down and the revolutionaries had become convinced of their victory over Keynesianism , questions started to be asked as to why , from 1936 onwards , so many of their august mentors , some of whom had won Nobel Prizes , had subscribed to a point of view which had been shown to be so palpably erroneous .
8 Again he is taking over precisely the ‘ modern ’ definitions and oppositions , between the normal and pathological , the natural and unnatural , etc. , which have been shown to be both confused and ideological in the narrow sense .
9 He said he was not satisfied that the fire had been started deliberately , let alone who might have started it and that the scientific evidence was ‘ underlined by a number of assumptions which have been shown to be totally false ’ .
10 In this instance health reports specify the pathogens which have been shown to be absent from the animals .
11 In general , NCp7 mutants , which have been shown to be active in stimulating RNA dimerization , annealing of the primer tRNA to the PBS and the initiation of cDNA synthesis ( 6 ) , were found to interact with DNA and to protect DNA from endonuclease cleavage .
12 Moreover , a Marxist-Leninist analysis of foreign-policy formulation in the United States ( which would have been accepted by Guevara and also by Raúl Castro , both extremely powerful figure ) implicitly makes two assumptions which have been shown to be inaccurate : firstly , that the ’ bourgeoisie' always act in concert , and secondly , that the ruling group has control over the statements of major Interest groups within society .
13 While community services may provide a richer material environment and wider opportunities for constructive activity than institutions , the patterns of staff behaviour which have been shown to be important in enabling active participation by people with severe or profound learning disabilities can be overlooked or ignored in the pursuit of ‘ homeliness ’ .
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