Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Four of these were members of the networks under observation , but lived in neighbouring townships and so were excluded from the quantitative analysis which concerned itself with the known-unknown ratio in specific townships .
2 Dope was n't , but the drug legal advice service ‘ Release ’ which concerned itself with the increasing number of busts — and junkies — began operating in West London .
3 The top is quickly reached from the grassy nick which separates it from the nearby Roaches .
4 Hence the modern Oedipus complex is not wholly explicable by reference to the modern family ( and therefore not controvertible by reference to modern family arrangements which allegedly do not feature it ) , but rather to both the individual 's actual family circumstances , and to the inherited and culturally transmitted conditions of the species which produced it in the first place and which determined its particular expression .
5 The label draws attention to three important developments which distinguish it from the early Romanov State .
6 Lasswell ( 1960 , p. 195 ) sums up this scepticism about the rule of law : ‘ The number of statutes which pass the legislature , or the number of decrees which are handed down by the executive , but which change nothing in the permanent politics of society , is a rough index of the role of magic in politics ’ .
7 Skirting the lakeside , she took a route which led her in the opposite direction from him .
8 We walked the long , covered-in wooden bridge which led us over the Hundred Foot River to the members ' observatory .
9 A real state consists of a naive state and a sequence of naive operations which produces it from the naive start state .
10 In Britain of the 1960s this challenge of the Welfare State is not isolated : it is but one aspect of the challenge which confronts us throughout the whole political field .
11 Well did one writer say : ‘ The evidence for the resurrection is the existence of the Church in that spiritual vitality which confronts us in the New Testament . ’
12 Typical of microscopic work might be W. C. Williamson 's work on the formation of bones and teeth in the 1850s , which got him into the Royal Society .
13 As a result of the infection , the small blood-vessels supplying the skin become blocked and the resulting diminution of the blood-supply leads to local death of tissue , which manifests itself as the primary chancre .
14 One does come across entrepreneurial academics , but there is still something slightly suspect in the academic world about making , as distinct from earning , money which manifests itself in the grey area of consultancy .
15 Lastly , everyone I 've spoken to on the subject would shorten the length of the bass by cutting off the V-shaped cleft in the headstock , which adds nought to the decorative aspect of the bass .
16 The rational consumer will choose point W on the budget line which places him on the highest attainable indifference curve , I 1 , .
17 This model confirms the importance of the greenhouse gas forcing of the climate , but it suggests that a doubling of greenhouse gas concentration will produce an increase in surface air temperature of 1.6 + 0.3 °C , which places it in the lower range of the generally accepted predictions of temperature increase ( Gilliland and Schneider , 1984 ) .
18 A longer length of rope was circled around her shoulders and under the table , then over her gorgeous breasts and downwards until her rib cage was completely covered in coiled rope , which fastened her to the hard wooden table .
19 And when , as shadow education spokesman , I was a frontline campaigner in the nineteen eighty seven election , it was the G M B which provided me with the necessary facilities to carry out that role , and I thank them for it .
20 If he races on Saturday New Level will line up against the much fancied Ringa Hustle and the dog which beat him in the last round , Apres Soleil , which is on offer at 80–1 .
21 The crumbling of the old idea of a state based on obligations and obedience may have helped increase the dynamic force that enabled European countries to spread their authority over most of the world ; the very widespread acceptance of the new idea of a state based on independence and equality gave people outside Europe political principles which helped them in the later struggle to dismantle the European empires .
22 Temple could write with perfect confidence in his audience that though he would not ‘ strain the reader 's capacity by asking him to imagine a native Governor of a Colony or Protectorate ’ or even a native Colonial Secretary of Nigeria — a proposal which ‘ does not come within the bounds of practical politics ’ — he counted it an advantage of Indirect Rule that under it ‘ the native can and does fill not only positions of great responsibility but the highest positions , positions which place him on the social scale on an equality with the King 's representative himself ’ .
23 In a sense this was so , but on the other hand the activity of town planning soon got bogged down in a technical bureaucracy , losing the dash and verve which sustained it during the 1940s .
24 It was an experience which steeled him for the future task of having as many as a dozen major country houses under construction in any one year .
25 If he was thus eligible for that title , there must have been something which qualified him — something which distinguished him from the numerous other leaders , both military and political , who at the time were themselves becoming thorns in the Roman side .
26 The famous trip to Europe , which Lear had constantly referred to in his letters as if it were an experience which united him with the great ornithologist , became the bitter disappointment of a friendship manqué .
27 I 've heard also of courses of injections which remove it in the short term but result in a worse incidence of cellulite after the treatment has worn off .
28 On the day I drew peg 45 which put me in the private meadow below the Teme mouth .
29 I won , which put me in the final contest between all the winners of the ‘ All Winners ’ contest which was to be televised , live , from the London Palladium in July .
30 It was at such times , he said , that he was divested of all those characteristics of family , personality and reputation which identified him to the outside world .
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