Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] [conj] [noun] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Would he ever know which friends and fellows he had delivered over to the government in that one fatally careless moment ?
2 The general advantage of asset sales over share sales is that the purchaser can be selective as to which assets and liabilities he buys or assumes .
3 You get to choose your holiday destination and departure date , we get to choose which hotel or apartment you stay in ( all of them will be near the main attraction of the resort centre ) , and you get to make big savings .
4 All Club guests staying in Club Choice accommodation benefit from the following FREEBIES — beach bag , beach mats , T-shirt , pen & postcards , a bottle of wine in your room and a grocery pack in self-catering apartments … plus even more goodies depending which hotel or apartment you choose !
5 How blessed you are to live in such a lovely part of England — It is a source of IMMENSE pleasure to me that JONATHAN is such a keen mountaineer and is to make his home here — it will be nice for John in his old age if he , John , deigns to come back to Britain , the native land of which is so very critical , but to whose change or improvement he does what ? ? ? ?
6 When occasions have occurred , as they do in all organizations , where it is necessary to take a ‘ big ’ risk on a young man whose experience and background we think inadequate for the task , nine times out of ten not only does he rise to the occasion but he does even better than we would expect .
7 They were also aware of an even deeper change in the texture of Christianity : it had become the religion of a warrior nobility whose values and culture it had necessarily to absorb in the process of Christianizing them .
8 They should also notify the child , if he is of sufficient understanding , and anyone else whose wishes and feelings they consider to be relevant .
9 This made him the intellectual heir of John Hunter , whose Essays and Observations he published with due filial piety in 1861 .
10 Each boxing match , Sartre claims , must be both a unique event and also in some sense the incarnation of all boxing , whose rules and conventions it follows , and whose past and future history it sets itself against .
11 Data Protection : as a service to readers , we occasionally make dispatch lists available to carefully screened companies whose products or services we feel may be of interest .
12 Sport is a positive , exhilarating force in the lives of those whose attentions and commitments it commands ; but the complexity of the force is sometimes lost on its practitioners and observers .
13 Even John Stuart Mill who , as one would expect , greatly admired Socrates , describing him in On Liberty , rather extravagantly , as " the head and prototype of all subsequent teachers of virtue " and " the acknowledged master of all the eminent thinkers who have since lived , " was moved to protest at this probably misplaced generosity : " The Athenian Many , of whose irritability and suspicion we hear so much , are rather to be accused of too easy and good-natured a confidence , when we reflect that they had living in the midst of them the very men who , on the first show of an opportunity , were ready to compass the subversion of the democracy . "
14 They remained in control over the means of mass communications but those whose work or views they had long ignored were now clamouring for access .
15 ‘ That is another and quite separate development , whose importance and urgency I need hardly stress .
16 In return I was trying to grasp the basics of Swedish , whose inflexions and vocabulary I found hard to manage .
17 They will say : ‘ From this time forward under God ( the reference to God is optional ) I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people , whose democratic beliefs I share , whose rights and liberties I respect , and whose laws I will uphold and obey . ’
18 Unfortunately Freud 's evidence for his propositions was somewhat indirect , being derived from the ‘ memories ’ of adult patients , whose difficulties and characteristics he believed could best be accounted for by the libidinal theory .
19 A man whose actions and motives she had plenty of cause to doubt .
20 Aranjuez , however , had clarified Napoleon 's muddled thinking on the Spanish question and he had no intention of using the opportunity it presented in order to support a puppet king whose character and intentions he mistrusted .
21 Informing the auditors : It is a requirement of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales , under whose regulations and guidance we act , that we should notify a client 's incumbent auditors or accountants of the scope of our appointment in order that they may assess whether the appointment has a bearing on their own continuing responsibilities .
22 She tried to tell herself not to be afraid , for was not this Dr Neil , whose gentleness and compassion she had often witnessed , even if his tongue was sharp ?
23 As Alexander Irvine put it in 1694 : it is a Maxim in our Law , " That the King can do no Wrong " ; the Meaning whereof is not , that nothing can be done amiss that he does in point of Government , but whatever there is amiss to it , is not to be imputed to him , but to those by whose Advice and Ministry he acts ; and consequently , that not he , but they are punishable for them .
24 For anyone disposed to take on the often very satisfying task of making banners I can assure them that there are several very kind ‘ Barnabases ’ in the church whose comments and encouragements I have valued .
25 Beyond the few meadows on this apron of land that girdled the house on the lochside , the hills rose again , hills as individual and familiar to her as people , whose slopes and habits she knew intimately , walking them year in , year out with her father , the gun he had taught her to use broken carefully in the crook of her arm .
26 As a family , therefore , we have perfectly happily left what little savings we could scrape together over the last 20 years or so with the Woolwich Building Society , whose efficiency and ethics we have never had any reason to doubt .
27 ‘ On the contrary , ’ he smiled thinly , ‘ Petula 's the only one of whose love and fidelity I have no doubts . ’
28 Mr Kelly , 32 , who has been fighting deportation from Ireland to Britain for seven years , was invited by a left-wing publishing house to help complete a mural of revolutionary figures whose works and writings it publishes .
29 I have chosen to give details only of those of whose standards and courses I have personal knowledge , but I would emphasize that there may also be other places which are also of a very high standard .
30 But within a few days , all her mother 's youth and vigour were gone and the energetic , independent woman whose health and dependability she had taken for granted for so long had turned into a helpless invalid , unable to hold down the thinnest gruel , unable to sleep more than a few minutes at a time , unable even to answer the calls of nature on her own , so that she had to be lifted like a child onto the pot and lifted back into the jumble of stinking bedclothes .
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