Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] [pron] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you are scratching in weak lift , you may be able to see which way you have drifted after a few circles .
2 You let us know which option you have selected under the ‘ Interest Options ’ section on the attached application form .
3 Since my wife was diagnosed with the illness , I have been researching alternative cures during which time I have come into contact with the ‘ Association stop au cancer ’ based at 29 Bd Gambetta , 73000 Chambery Cedex , France .
4 The house was built in 1573 by the sculptor Leone Leoni , ( an example of whose work we have seen in the Duomo ) .
5 According to Goodwin , whose work I have referred to already , this difference has linguistic correlates .
6 Pierre Bourdieu , for instance , whose work I have drawn on extensively here , is not alone in raging against those who celebrate the ‘ aftermath of modernism ’ .
7 That being so , teachers felt themselves to be under pressure to adopt practices whose efficacy we have shown to be debatable .
8 I am delighted to have heard anything worthwhile by Schillings , whose music I have known for some time in piano-vocal scores but have not encountered in performance .
9 Please accept my application and enrol me as a member of The Literary Guild and send me the introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided .
10 Please accept my application and enrol me into Quality Paperbacks Direct , and send me the five introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided .
11 Elizabeth Hodder , whose wisdom I have relied upon in this section , found from personal experience that there was no help available for stepfamilies in Britain .
12 That scheming , cheating harlot , whose son you have consorted with like a cheap jade .
13 We have to ask ourselves , as consumers , exactly what part we have to play in all this .
14 But since the examination is testing what skills you have developed over time , the passage is likely to be similar in some way to passages which you have seen .
15 LIST what activities you have used in the past two sessions .
16 " My teachers desire me to address this letter to you relative to my education , that you may form some idea what progress I have made in different studies since last Midsummer .
17 What liaison they have developed with the special schools , the day centres , or the general service fieldwork teams of the Social Service Department is conducted on an informal basis .
18 He then provided : ‘ I wish whatever legacies I have left to be paid by you , my dear son , and if any debt shall emerge , if I had borrowed anything for a time and shall owe it , I wish it to be paid by you , so that what I have left your sister may pass to her undiminished . ’
19 ‘ If you 're asking me , ’ she said carefully , ‘ to come into consultation and share responsibility for whatever decisions we have to make about Great-Uncle Alan 's affairs , of course I will , though I do n't claim to know anything about business and I probably sha n't be much help to you .
20 His father Allan told the High Court : ‘ Whatever differences we have had as a family we are all of a mind that we would like what is best for Tony .
21 You know what materials you have to select from .
22 I do n't know what productivity you have to show in your job , in mine it 's the order book .
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