Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] was [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 She finished the blackleading — a truly nasty job which she was glad to be done with early in the day .
2 The second and third albums , ‘ Freewheelin ’ ( 1962 ) and ‘ The Times They are a Changin ’ ( 1963 ) , established him as a real and original talent , as both singer and songwriter , with a message that seemed as arresting and vital as the times through which he was fortunate to be living .
3 He belonged to perhaps the last generation in which it was possible to be very successful in science by making one 's own way , rather than following a standard pattern .
4 The detection rate of cryptosporidiosis in the one year in which it was possible to be calculated was similar to the finding of 1.4% reported by Baxby and Hart .
5 Kinnock grew up in a society in which it was natural to be Labour and which Labour controlled .
6 Even if Dáil members had thought otherwise , it must by now be clear that the ethos of the Irish Republic was still one in which it was impolitic to be in conflict with the church .
7 It indicates only that a bag of unknown origin was sent from Coding Station 206 at 1:07 p.m. to a position from which it was supposed to be loaded on Pan Am 103 . ’
8 The impetus came partly from a growing interest in Schopenhauer 's theory of music , and partly from an uncomfortable sense that his own artistic practice was diverging further and further from the theoretical postulates of which it was supposed to be the realization .
9 It was the sort of look between us which would have started alert interest in me if I 'd spotted it between others , and I thought I was hear to losing my grip on what I was supposed to be doing , and that I 'd better be more careful .
10 This was partly due to the fact that I did n't really understand what I was supposed to be doing and partly because I had a very intricate felt-pen and biro decoration to complete on my pencil case ( which obviously took priority over maths work ) .
11 Dolores insisted on accompanying me , and because that was what I was supposed to be doing , escorting her , I did n't raise any objections .
12 I looked at what I was supposed to be reading .
13 She had three years to spend in a beautiful city , reading ; and that was what she was supposed to be doing .
14 She found the trug in the outhouse , not the kitchen , and cleaned it before trotting off towards the rectory , which was quite a long walk from Vetch Street , through a rowdy street market where an organ-grinder and his monkey were performing , and a Punch and Judy man stood on the corner , and Sally-Anne — no longer McAllister now that she was out of the house — for all of her advanced years stood and watched Mr Punch for some time before she guiltily remembered what she was supposed to be doing .
15 He came closer and sat beside her on the grass , close , so that she could hardly concentrate on what she was supposed to be saying .
16 ‘ No , ’ she whispered , going pale again with fright as she remembered what she was supposed to be doing .
17 She no longer knew what he was supposed to be up to .
18 I know it 's very stupid of me , but I could n't understand what it was supposed to be about at all .
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