Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] have never [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And so I had to drag the coal scuttle up there , I was faced with that , and chop the sticks , which I 'd never done before .
2 Sorry Chief Administrator Officer and I had to provide quite a lot of statistical information which I 'd never done before but nevertheless I , I made a fairly reasonable job of it , I had an assistant and erm I , I think I got fairly well known amongst the councillors and people who mattered and then went .
3 . Erm but then we slept under every hedge , I think , along the south coast , till we lost our machine guns , collected anti-tank guns , and eventually were transferred to the Royal Artillery , but still with this county pride of Devon , which I 'd never met before .
4 Erm , I had n't actually felt that violent , I 'd been having extremes of emotion all week erm , very high , very low , very very fearful , panic attacks which I 'd never had before in my life .
5 I 'm afraid of dogs , but a rage the like of which I 'd never known before — and rarely since — took hold of me and I wanted to kill it , rip it limb from limb and tear at its throat with my teeth .
6 ‘ We had to do manoeuvrability tests in three different cars , including a Cavalier automatic and a Corsa which I 'd never driven before .
7 ‘ But I am allowed to say I was deeply disappointed , because he let things go on which I 've never seen before in my time back in England .
8 As I took my place in the darkened centre stage for the opening of the first act , and the lights slowly came up , I saw a sight which I 've never seen before , a sight which chilled me to the marrow and froze me to the spot .
9 Pike gave us all four verses , including the one about the wagon train being painted green , which I had never heard before .
10 She mentioned a concoction which I had never encountered before .
11 After his death , I learnt not to shut him out of my life and now I feel a comforting sense of continuity when I go through the boxes and find little notes by him which I have never seen before .
12 Very occasionally a new phrase disconcertingly emerges which I have never heard before .
13 There is a curious feeling of walking on air , which I have never thought as agreeable a sensation as people try to make out .
14 Contact , OR and curl up in front of your video for an evening of entertainment , the like of which you 've never seen before .
15 The way she put it was that Michel had very kindly offered to drive her to Paris , which she had never seen properly ( Simon used to grumble so about not being able to take her because of the war ) .
16 Mrs Browning began to laugh but the laugh brought on a coughing fit and , when Wilson rushed to her aid and raised her higher on the pillow , her face took on an ugly blue tinge , which she had never seen before .
17 Only , it was n't Matey who walked into the kitchen as McAllister began her blackleading , but Dr Neil , yawning and fastening the buttons of a rather natty grey coat which she had never seen before .
18 She remembered how Douglas , her new stepfather , had taken pleasure in showing her round Lomond View , pointing out the paintings , the antiques , the porcelain , the like of which she had never seen before .
19 She also started speaking in class , which she had never done before .
20 Franca was amazed at her sudden power to develop vivid visual images of her mental states , a power which she had never exercised before , and which she thought of , not without satisfaction , as being perhaps a symptom of incipient madness .
21 Something seemed to open or to expand in her brain , releasing a cold voice which she had never heard there before , telling her that if he cheated her she might just as well kill him .
22 It was a feeling which she had never had before , not even with Terry or Havvie , both of whom she had thought herself in love with .
23 She saw her aloneness , now loneliness , and she saw the vista of age , which she had never contemplated before .
24 They talked for hours about everything and she loved to listen to him as he had views on trivial things which she had never considered before .
25 There was something in the air , an energy , a vibrancy , which she had never experienced before .
26 But there was an uncomfortable constraint between them which she had never experienced before .
27 But when she had washed her hair and dressed in a new pair of designer jeans and a silk shirt that had been a Christmas present and which she 'd never worn before — it was n't to Eva 's house that she went but back down into the town , towards the theatre and the Franz Joseph .
28 However , when our car was serviced at a small back-street garage which we had never tried before , what really impressed us was not only the mechanical quality of the service , but the extra care taken .
29 They may even take up new sports which they had never tried before .
30 At night , at certain seasons , it glowed like fire , sometimes it seemed but the portal of a well-lighted hall ; and one old stone-breaker declared he had heard wonderful music issuing therefrom , the like of which he had never heard before ; while on one occasion he had seen troops of gaily-dressed elfins repairing thither , some on foot and some in carriages , and they all went into this mysterious hall .
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