Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] have been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The world of secondary schools was one from which I had been absent for eight years and it had in the mean time greatly expanded , so that the new secondary modern schools now occupied most — although not necessarily the most strategically important — territory .
2 As the protagonist in Kafka 's Conversation with a Suppliant confessed : ‘ There has never been a time in which I have been convinced from within myself that I am alive . ’
3 Another boot which I have been impressed with is the Cima Vango , which gives a wide fit across the toes and is now produced with a highly water-resistant Anfibio leather .
4 ‘ What remains is the problem which I have been concerned with over the past year , which is to try to regenerate enough political pressure within the international community to oblige Iran to reverse its current policy .
5 Political sociologists , in so far as they are not engaged in mainly descriptive and historical studies , now devote much of their effort either to analysing methodological problems of the kind which I outlined in the Introduction , or to reappraising and reinterpreting those nineteenth-century theories in which the ideas with which I have been concerned throughout this book — democracy , class , capitalism , socialism , the nation — were originally formulated and diffused .
6 I think there 's only one other point which I 'd I 'd like to make and that concerns the the programme re-orientation and the cost implications of that er one aspect of programme re-orientation which we 've been conscious of is the need to preserve the delivery dates of the first production standard aircraft to the Royal Air Force and Italian Air Force in the year two thousand .
7 We have felt very much a part of Queen 's Park during our 3 years in Glasgow , a lot of which is owed to our friends in the 2 fellowship groups which we have been involved with .
8 On the morning after his return to Jesus College , Coleridge paused to look about the room from which he had been absent since June , and to record his state of mind in a letter to Southey :
9 Despite his youth he had travelled alone , sleeping in barns along the route , with which he had been familiar through previous trips in his father 's company .
10 partly the causes were external — loss of friends , hosts of visitors — but partly temperamental : Tolkien could not ‘ discipline himself into adopting regular working methods ’ ( a fault of which he had been aware since the time of ‘ Leaf by Niggle ’ ) .
11 He came to regret the destruction for which he had been responsible in the name of church restoration under the unenlightened rules prevailing at the time , and in 1881 he joined the recently formed Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings , for which he worked quietly but assiduously into old age .
12 She knew he was referring to her last meeting with Jake and that explosive love scene in the drawing-room , only the sketchiest version of which he 'd been privy to .
13 There have to be doubts about Woosnam because he has shown so little of the form of which he has been capable in the past .
14 so it was totally different work from what I 'd been used to .
15 ‘ It 's what I 've been afraid of . ’
16 That was what I had been afraid of .
17 What I have been concerned about in this short section has been to compare some simple forms of growth equations deriving from quite different traditions .
18 Many people own a share of this gold badge with me , my wife and family , who have helped and supported me in whatever I have been involved in especially Betty .
19 Mr Browning wrote to thank her for her diligence and in doing so confirmed what she had been certain of , that Miss Henrietta had died .
20 Benny could see her mother sitting there stretching her hand out full of what she had been full of for months now : the huge advantages of being able to come home every night by bus .
21 This was exactly what she had been afraid of — flibbertigibbet though she was in most things , Candy could be positively terrier-like if she got her teeth into a mystery , refusing to let go until she 'd solved everything to her satisfaction .
22 Could your system cope with warm food after what you 've been used to ?
23 Open-ended questions are useful in encouraging parents to talk , for example ‘ Would you like to tell me what you have been concerned about ?
24 Others which are perhaps a little bit of er a change from what we 've been used to doing ,
25 ‘ Perhaps he is n't quite what we 've been used to , but I thought we might give him a trial .
26 Only these foreigners are a bit different from what we 've been used to .
27 And he may turn up at any moment with a simple explanation , and wonder what we 've been worrying about . ’
28 And just to remind you what I was saying , if you 've just switched on , what I was just confirming with Colin er earlier , is that erm it 's slightly different in this competition to what we 've been accustomed to in the football league er this and last season , in as far as it 's not goals scored that 's important when you have the same number of points , it is goal difference .
29 What we have been successful at and particularly important in point of view is that we have been successful in keeping Whitchurch within the rural development areas , and , and retaining the status of the available which that gives .
30 ‘ It is not what we have been used to , ’ said Floy .
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