Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from doing the job of Principal ( for which I shall need a lot of help from the Lord ) , and living as a Christian I do n't yet know what the Lord wants me to do out there .
2 The first we step into we call the infant or thoughtless Chamber , in which we remain as long as we do not think … we no sooner get into the second Chamber , which I shall call the Chamber of Maiden-Thought , than we become intoxicated with the light and the atmosphere , we see nothing but pleasant wonders , and think of delaying there for ever in delight .
3 This raises a general question which is central to these areas , and which I shall call the representation problem .
4 The argument for the pre-emption thesis proceeds from another , which I shall call the dependence thesis .
5 That is the basis on which I shall consider the application , and I will do so carefully .
6 ‘ The only circumstances in which I would anticipate the use of the remedies of certiorari and mandamus would be in the event , which I hope is unthinkable , of the panel acting in breach of the rules of natural justice — in other words , unfairly .
7 The inspectors , through their union , say they are underfunded and understaffed ( to which I would add the problem of incredibly low morale ) .
8 The plaintiffs then had a new point which I may call the waiver argument , the basic principle of which is stated in Wigmore on Evidence , 8th ed. ( 1961 ) , pp. 453–455 , para. 2275 :
9 He promised to bring me a few notes from which I could prepare a draft but he never did . ’
10 To escape this branding of myself as a bodily failure , I longed to be able to attach myself to an organisation stronger than myself , an association through which I could derive a feeling of physical achievement and personal status I would not otherwise possess .
11 Repressing it , on the other hand , would mean existing in a drab , twilight world of pretended affections out of which I could see no escape .
12 The order of events was the same each year : first , the bus or train ride to whatever town The Walk was to be held in ; then being stationed somewhere from which I could see the parade .
13 The truth is that I kept on having mental lapses , during which I could hear every word that was being spoken , understand the meaning of each word and even of some phrases , but could n't make these disparate utterances add up to anything that made sense .
14 There was even the same poker game going on in the back room , a game I could n't get in on but which I could glimpse every time the same barmaid took refills through .
15 I have a stove on which I can cook a dinner , and a paraffin stove for heating .
16 In initiating my original purchase I incur an obligation to make a payment in money , but I in turn have to have a source from which I can acquire the money in the first place , and this will , directly or indirectly , put me into at least a temporary relationship with a great variety of people , including the reader who purchased this book from a bookstall and paid out money , some small fraction of which will eventually find its way back to myself .
17 Though I might , in working for a different future , find the struggle of women politically inspiring , I am unlikely to find a community in which women were not counted equal a medium through which I can gain a glimpse of God .
18 He laughs again , and as the light is fading we walk back to the village , past small boys running hurdy-gurdies ; he teaching me plant names for which I can find no translation .
19 I have what to you may seem a small problem but one for which I can find no reason .
20 The home in which we both live is a nonsense , and a nonsense from which I can see no way of ever extracting us .
21 Using × 7 , Rho is in the same field as Sigma ( 4.5 ) which is of type F , but in which I can see no colour at all .
22 Another piece of equipment I use is my boots , my shoes , my trousers , my clever truncheon pocket , it 's a long thin pocket which I can put the truncheon in and it hides away .
23 One programme , which I will call the action at a distance theory , regarded electricity as a fluid or particles of some kind residing in electrically charged bodies and flowing through electrical circuits .
24 The sweetener for those who find themselves paying more is that they could qualify for transitional relief which which will cover the increase .
25 Instead of taking it over a thirty five year period , what you would then have is that you go up very steeply let's say by putting lump sums or er regular capital premiums erm which you 'll receive a tax refund and then it stops but the benefits of the fund keep going so at age sixty they would have the same effect of reaching your pension there with no contributions
26 For a new SPR which is not being based on an existing SPR , LIFESPAN will provide four fields in which you may make an entry if required , as described below ; it is recommended that they are completed as they provide some useful basic information .
27 This can reduce weight but it also constitutes drug-taking , for which you may face a lifetime ban .
28 Each help screen has an index from which you may select a topic .
29 One or two of the items of growth particularly have been er identified as illustrative which may mean that you can choose er almost any amount you like er to be spent on those particular items just identify er a figure which you may consider the starting point .
30 Respondents were therefore also asked : Are there any circumstances in which you might break a law to which you were very strongly opposed ?
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