Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I have a small tank ( 24″ × 15″ × 12″ ) in which I am planning to keep only two fish : a Cherub Angel and a small Regal Tang , which I would return when it grows too big .
2 I intend to start with the Dwarf Angel , and after three months I will put in a very young Regal Tang , which I would keep until it is three inches long .
3 There 's a pile of papers which I must read when I get back to the hotel , ’ he said , and grimaced .
4 On a personal note , this is the last issue of Q magazine which I will edit as I 'm leaving ICI soon .
5 my bargaining power is based on the losses which you would suffer if you were to agree or disagree with my proposal
6 Consider the different impression of yourself which you would give if you wrote :
7 So again , it 's a thing which you might consider when you 're er letting vehicles come in front and er I the rights and wrongs of erm flashing lights , er really the only flashing lights should take the place of a horn .
8 There are therefore two important pieces of preparation which you should make before you even apply for a job , let alone go for an interview for it .
9 The following are our special letter services which you should use when you want more than the ordinary letter post .
10 The following are our special letter services , which you should use when you want more than the ordinary post .
11 If you are talking to people you will talk in a quite different mode from that which you will adopt when you 're writing .
12 All applications received will qualify for a free carriage clock which you will receive once your application has been accepted .
13 It is a made to a British standard which you can tell when you buy anything like that by the kite mark on the side .
14 By definition , racing is not a sport in which you can quit when you 're ahead of the game .
15 And for a first course all you will need is either the broth from the pot-au-feu , which will have a very fine flavour and which you can thicken if you like with a little rice — there should be enough for seven or eight people — or perhaps a dish of mussels , or a light fish soup .
16 There are always sacred sites which you can find If you attune to the spirit of the area and keep your senses alert .
17 Donate a pair before May 30 and you 'll receive a £30 voucher which you can use when you spend £60 or more on your new spectacles from Boots .
18 Once you can identify where it fits , you have a general framework in which to tackle it — or which you can challenge if you wish to .
19 Planning the trip is made easier with Steve Birnbaum 's very thorough Walt Disney World — The Official Guide ( Avon , $10.95 ) , which you can buy when you get there .
20 ‘ Also I am concerned about the strength of the winds and currents which we may encounter once we have left the shelter of the land . ’
21 Experience has told us that rural people often perceive their own problems differently from the accepted establishment viewpoint , and it is the development of the perception , whether we consider the opinions right or wrong , which we must cultivate if we are seriously looking for long-term solutions .
22 Maybe someone will provide a 24-hour 0898 number which we can dial when we ca n't sleep at night for thinking about the copy of Milan Kundera 's Immortality lying untouched on the bedside table .
23 The purpose of etiquette is to provide an easy set of rules which we can follow when we are in a hurry and want to make sure that we do not give offence to anybody .
24 The standard is really an aberration of the natural form — a manufactured monstrosity albeit a beautiful one — and , as so often happens when man confines , restricts and changes the shape of plants , there is an inherent structural problem , which we will discuss when we come to aftercare , pruning and feeding .
25 I say nothing more about this example — except to report that ( in my experience ) it guarantees the wholehearted attention of a class of recalcitrant fifteen-year olds even first thing on a Monday morning — and turn now to the misleading signposts which we will find as we travel in search of English .
26 It 's quite a shortsighted policy , if you look at the er , because , if you erm , if you introduce subsidies to actually protect the domestic industry then that 's often going to cause retaliation from other countries and therefore effectively sealing off any trade , any effective trade at all , and consequently because there 's no competitive pressure on the domestic industries , they 're not going to feel the need to make themselves more productive , which they would do when there was competition .
27 Nevertheless , there must be a filter , as there is in the criminal courts , to ensure that the appellate system is not overloaded by those who enter Britain from a third safe country to which they can return if they manifestly have no claim to asylum here .
28 Also , to some extent copying adult places of worship , children have provided for themselves hideaway places that they treasure , and to which they can go when they can get no comfort from the adults around them .
29 They therefore have a profile like a creature with a toughness value and a number of wounds which they can sustain before they are destroyed .
30 They have reached the crucial point at which they can save because they have discharged other liabilities , but they will find such saving difficult .
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