Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [verb] [vb mod] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 'll have to eat together , ’ I said in a doleful tone which I knew would upset my mother as much as the vision which my remark would conjure up .
2 While I was at Cambridge , I began to follow a rule of life which I hoped would prepare me for the priesthood .
3 My philosophy being that members who attended the meetings or functions which I attended will know I was there .
4 That which I trust shall make me worthy of your high esteem .
5 ‘ There 's another legacy of £1,000 , this time to his friend Martin Burger , ‘ more than enough for that new pair of spectacles which I hope may improve his judgement and help him to see the obvious . ’
6 A tube of Winsor blue for Alan Tate , spectacles for Burger … ‘ which I hope may improve his judgement and help him to see the obvious . ’
7 So I 've brought something which I hope will give her good news as well .
8 I am delighted to commend this booklet to you which I hope will give you a flavour of the variety and interest available to solicitors in local government .
9 But I wish to relate to the council a particular episode , which I hope will convey something to those people who are perhaps still wavering erm , and whilst we all have principle stands on issues it behoves us as members to consider the views of our constituents and the sorts of things that take place in our wards .
10 Dearest all four of you , at last I have time to write you a proper letter , which I hope will reach you , via the ‘ diplomatic bag ’ before mummy 's birthday .
11 Of my writing you will form a more correct idea when you see my specimen of Penmanship , which I hope will afford you much pleasure , for my endeavours have not been deficient to render it deserving of your esteem .
12 The continuing debate about choosing and using ultraviolet ( UV ) pond systems has prompted me to write and highlight some points which I hope will help your readers make a more informed decision when purchasing a system .
13 The employment reserve of which I spoke would help them to contribute to society and to their personal future and well-being .
14 The danger of approaching whole group work by letting children first improvise in small groups and then presenting them with an issue which you hope will give them a focus is that they remain more interested in what 's going on in their group than in the supposedly unifying issue : " Why should I be interested in the corner shop being knocked down when I never use it , and anyway we 've just been burgled ? ! "
15 From then on , each hotel in which you stay will make your next night(s) reservation(s) completely free of charge .
16 It ranks high among those topics which you fear may bore your listeners , but which , secretly , you take very seriously .
17 Work out beforehand the sort of person you think would be most suitable for the job and tell the interviewer which personal qualities you have which you feel would suit you to the job .
18 Do not cover up aspects of your lifestyle , such as heavy drinking , which you think may make you look less respectable .
19 ‘ It may be that you will come across information which you think would interest me .
20 And whoever touches anything upon which she sits shall wash his clothes , and bathe himself in water , and be unclean until the evening ; whether it is the bed or anything upon which she sits , when he touches it he shall be unclean until the evening .
21 Just before midnight she got up and swallowed two aspirins with some water which she hoped would calm her down .
22 Not to thank you , I mean — and Rose — oh , dear … ’ and her face crumpled , but the steely resolution which lay beneath her outward charm prevented her from giving way to the hysterics which she knew would take her over if she allowed herself to show any weakness .
23 Her eyes filled with tears , but she made no attempt to blink them away , too caught up in an internal struggle which she knew could determine her life forever after .
24 A creative Filipino chemist has invented a ‘ wonder fuel ’ named Siroca which she hopes will decrease her country 's dependence on dwindling supplies of firewood .
25 Tony and I had organized a dog sledging trip which we hoped would take us from Dividal in northern Norway through Sweden and into Finland .
26 So welcome to the first edition of CCG People , which we hope will tell you all you need to know about the people that make CCG such a success .
27 After some discussion we have decided to open two separate funds which we hope will give everyone who wishes to make a donation a choice .
28 Although we support elements of the Bill , we want to modify it ; that is why we have tabled amendments , which we hope will improve it .
29 Well yes , but that , remember we provided for up to two hundred million which we thought would see us through to the end of ninety two .
30 This may point to a powerful repressed feeling which we fear will overwhelm us .
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