Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [verb] [verb] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I noticed in particular a large placard placed on the floor in a corner , which I assumed to have been presented to him by Montgomery Belgion , who had been a prisoner of war in Germany .
2 In fact , the weeds were the most notable feature at first glance — more than waist-high in places , and Nigel soon disappeared among them , heading uphill to check the height of the fall of water , which I had learnt was described as ‘ the head ’ .
3 For those first two years I was able to enjoy behaving childishly — a pleasure which I felt had been denied to me — and being relatively free from responsibility .
4 It is this richness of scientific language which I feel has been lost .
5 The difficulty a low Christology poses for feminists was brought home to me some years ago in attending a eucharistic liturgy , which I believe had been written by Carter Heyward , whose work I shall shortly mention .
6 The second major issue which I believe had been used against the new settlement as a an appropriate Greater York area , is that it 's inconsistent with erm current recent central government planning advice , and basically the argument is that the proposals for the new settlement are contrary to er planning policy guidance notes three and twelve , and draft er P P G thirteen , if I can deal with P P G thirteen first of all , and the observation of Mr Curtis that the new settlement is a last resort , erm now I could find no reference to that at all erm in P P G three , or even a sentiment that at planning policy er that a new settlement should be regarded erm as a policy of last resort .
7 I am left with no alternative but to seek legal advice on this matter which I believe has been taken for one reason and one reason only — that is to discourage the importation of fish to secure employment in the Grampian area . ’
8 As M3 grew so fast in the early Eighties , its performance can hardly explain the reduction in inflation , which I believe to have been caused by very high and rising unemployment together with a very large and destructive appreciation in sterling .
9 I am naturally particularly interested in the Carmel Wood IDO claim , which I presume has been registered but my interest goes beyond this to encompass all the claims that have been made in Wales , which presumably are now subject to the same procedures being applied by your authority .
10 Luckily , however , I managed to hold on and we got on to her bed , which I seem to remember was covered with a plastic sheet .
11 It is this tradition which I suspect has been handed down over the generations in particular families , but which is dying out .
12 That which I have written is consummated concerning the operation of the sun .
13 The reasons have been explained in several letters to your MP or Regional Councillor on 31 March 1992 , 14 April , 6 May , 4 June and 27 August , all of which I understand have been passed to you , and directly over the phone by Mr Carter on 6 August 1992 .
14 I have be very interested to hear about the recent developments and most impressed at what 's taken place , but er , I would like to ask about the international work , which I understand has been reduced .
15 I have been asked to draw the attention of Wyre Borough Council to a burnt out car which I understand has been abandoned off the road near the reservoir on Nicky Nook , Scorton .
16 Also the methods which you have suggested are known to us .
17 Second , they can be qualified by relative clauses : ( 26 ) the rudest , which was very rude indeed , is best forgotten now the longest that I have ever seen was about two metres and a half ( 27 ) the fragrant , which comes from Japan , is a splendid choice the triangular which you wanted has been sold
18 Particularly unimpressed was Nell McCafferty who thought it a bad choice as an opening movie which she assumed had been selected as a ‘ keynote ’ film for the festival .
19 In the end the scene to which she had objected was cut and , directly or indirectly , Mrs Whitehouse became persona non grata at the BBC for eleven years .
20 Relatively unimportant as these smaller losses may seem compared with the main one , together they may add up to a total picture of her life which she feels has been shattered overnight by a single blow .
21 It also gives us a date for the great change : the abandonment of archaic conventions ( which we have seen being worked towards for some decades ) and the creation of the new , classical , style .
22 Nothing which we have said is intended to cast doubt on the accepted legality of properly conducted games and sports , lawful chastisement or correction , reasonable surgical interference , dangerous exhibitions , etc .
23 Most notable in the first category have been six veterans of the Romanian Communist Party who at the beginning of the year addressed an open letter of defiance to President Ceausescu , telling him that ‘ the very idea of socialism for which we have fought is discredited by your policies ’ .
24 These young men represented a different kind of leader from those we have so far considered ; the Burma from which they sprang had been influenced by the West far less than India , and only a tiny middle class had assimilated Western education .
25 The first Cistercians were men who sought to return to the simplicity of Benedict 's Rule and to its strict observance which they argued had been altered out of all recognition by the Cluniacs who spent much of the day in a long and elaborate round of services in choir .
26 We found ( Appendix II , section 5 ) that on one London estate where we held group discussions several people lived at addresses which they said had been blacklisted in this way , because of bad payers who had lived there before them ; as a consequence , they felt they were being made to suffer from the bad reputation of the previous tenants .
27 Based on our research , we concur with the earlier observation that ‘ paraprofessionals who come from the communities which they serve have been found to be more effective in working with the people as they have close ties and may have insights and information not readily available to the outsider ’ ( IASSW , 1979 , p. 8 ) .
28 CAMPAIGNERS look likely to win their fight for more nursery places in an area of Darlington which they claim has been deprived for years .
29 The seizure was held to be lawful as police entering premises with a warrant had authority to remove anything which they believed to have been stolen .
30 The hovel in which they had lived was vacated in 1930 .
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