Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [modal v] [verb] with your " in BNC.

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1 Yes , thank you Chairman , I hope to be slightly er more brief erm , in proposal of the Liberal Democrat budget of er , er three , six O point six million which I would remind with your permission is the er the minimum target er , er suggested by , by .
2 All Home Risks policies set out the cover for BUILDINGS , whether or not this cover is currently in force , so we are sending you the new wording , which you should keep with your policy .
3 In this booklet , we 've suggested over 50 different cleaning jobs in and around the home which you can tackle with your Steamatic .
4 You will also receive a cheque book which you can use with your Auto Cheque card to pay at shops , garages , restaurants etc .
5 There are also some helpful storybooks which you could use with your child — see the Helplist at the end of this leaflet .
6 Erm , we have a programme developing for next year , which we will discuss with your offices , to ensure that we use the time that we validated to your audit er , in an effective , efficient and economic manner .
7 ‘ You know what you can do with your sphyg , ’ said Wexford , proceeding to tell him in lurid detail .
8 And you know what you can do with your blue card , you cunning little bitch .
9 You do n't tell me how to carry out a military operation , and I wo n't tell you what you can do with your cards . ’
10 There 's a lot of stuff in newspapers about you know erm er investments and what you can do with your money and get the P E P with one and a half percent discount , and all the rest of it .
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