Example sentences of "[be] a way [prep] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 While in theory multiple images would seem to be a way of enriching the screen 's information , in practice it was usually just distracting and slowed down the narrative speed .
2 Perhaps this would be a way of persuading the government to accept the proposal .
3 Eventually National Socialism , which was deeply rooted in this national complex , was felt to be a way of withstanding the impact of unfettered foreign capitalism on German society , a way of organising the country 's own resources and of competing on more equitable terms — by force where necessary .
4 In this case ideology would simply be a way of loading the dice in one 's own favour and hence since the ground rules would obviously vary there could be no way of ever comparing two ideologies .
5 Moreover , far from excluding anyone , this would be a way of including the existing membership of the individual groupings .
6 There were several reasons why Adenauer pursued such a line of argument : it might be a way of helping the new West German state to achieve equality in the international order ; it might placate West German annoyance over the role of the International Ruhr Authority ; and it might in time offer an opportunity for West Germany to regain sovereignty of the coal and steel producing Saar , which still remained in French hands .
7 An ALT pattern will be a way of characterising the behaviour of a process whose general shape of first-step behaviour is the same for all permitted initial values of its free variables .
8 Strategic voting may be a way of altering the agenda .
9 It would be a way of fostering the corporatist education ideology from which we are beginning to escape .
10 Development shoot-outs as suggested by one researcher may be a way of widening the solution arena ( Quinn , 1986 ) , but if the uncertainties are too high even this approach may be of little value .
11 While recognising the undeniable ( if somewhat over-stressed ) value of milk in a child 's nutritional development , the Board of Education and Ministry of Health also appreciated that greater milk consumption would be a way of reducing the surplus stocks then being held by producers .
12 If the principle on which morality is based is referred to as ‘ acting for the sake of duty ’ ( Kant ) , then that would be a way of explaining the reason a man might have for acting morally .
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