Example sentences of "[be] given a new [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Old furniture and junk-shop finds can be given a new lease of life with a little tender loving care and a certain amount of practical know-how .
2 It could only be given a new lease of life by grounding its themes in a transformed image of a much more efficient , modernised , client-centred public sector , to which Labour has not yet seriously directed itself .
3 The venerable Antonov An-2 utility biplane in production in Eastern Europe since 1948 , may be given a new lease of life .
4 It 's right that Joe Hawkins and Allen 's other legendary aggro merchants should now be given a new lease of life , and Allen is absolutely sure of his books ' continued relevance : ‘ The doubts and problems which confronted yesteryear 's skinheads have multiplied at an alarming rate in today 's world .
5 It 's absolutely wonderful — to be given a new lease of life .
6 ONE of Scotland 's most ancient highways may be given a new lease of life as a commuter route for cyclists .
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