Example sentences of "[be] an [adj] [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 A dedicated machine can be an expensive luxury unless it 's used regularly . ’
2 The demand for exports ( X ) , however , is assumed to be an exogenous variable as it depends on incomes and demand conditions overseas .
3 So it was inevitable that there would be an emotional outburst when it was revealed that the local health authority are investigating the much-loved GP for working too hard .
4 In addition , unresponsiveness of the V8 subset may be an early event since it was found in a patient at CDC stage I. The only known common factor between patients in all groups was HIV infection .
5 Sedgefield District Council 's development committee turned down the application by the Redfern family because there would be an inadequate access and it would change the character of the village .
6 RMI must be an integrated process or it is likely to fail .
7 Well I 'll tell you what that 's gon na be an awful job if it is !
8 The XJS may be an ageing leviathan but it is still a unique car .
9 The very thing for which the bourgeoisie strove , profit , ceased to be an adequate motivation once it had brought sufficient wealth .
10 so , I mean , one school turned out to be an old factory and it was of six floors and it had one of these like industrial lifts , you know , the open caged lifts
11 Football may be an athletic profession but it 's also a borstal for wayward genius .
12 The two archbishops thought that Ramsey would be an excellent bishop but it was not right , it was bad for the Church as well as for the study of divinity , to take him out of the Cambridge chair after so short a tenure .
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