Example sentences of "[be] take [adv prt] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Objections to the proposals essentially turn on the terms under which any devolution would take place , and the question of the competence and reliability of the organisations which would be taking on responsibility for the sites .
2 He was shut away in sanctuary with the female members of his family , whilst the king his brother and , as he told himself , every other male of importance in the realm , would shortly be taking up residence in the Tower .
3 Policy issues concern high-level strategy questions , whose character and complexity involve the examination of vast quantities of data before decisions can be taken on matters of the highest political Import .
4 More action will be taken on enforcement under the rules and laws set out .
5 We agree that care should be taken over terminology in the interpretation of fluoroscein angiograms but contend that the use here was accurate .
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